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252 Index

monounsaturated fats 5                  neurological disabilities 207, 218–19   oromotor delay
multiples, breastfeeding 83             newborns see neonates                      infants 111
muscular dystrophy 218–19               niacin requirements 10                     preschool children 148
Muslim traditions 27, 28                NICE see National Institute for Health
MyPlate 17                                                                      overweight see obesity
                                                 and Clinical Excellence
nasogastric tube feeding 209                     recommendations                packed lunches
National Day Nurseries Association      nipples, sore/cracked 84                   preschool children 158–9
                                        ‘no added sugar’ drinks, preschool         primary school 167, 169
         157, 159                                children 135
National Diet and Nutrition Survey      non-haem iron 8                         paediatrician
                                           primary school children 165             neurological disabilities 219
         (NDNS) 163                     nucleotides in breast vs formula           referral with abnormal growth 44
   adolescents and 67, 173–4, 175,               milks 91
                                        nursery see childcare settings          pantothenic acid, safe intakes 12
         176, 177                       nut(s) (tree nuts)                      parent(s) (and other carers)
      alcohol 178                          avoidance and alternatives 190
   dental decay and 144                    preschool children 134                  medical conditions and advice and
   vitamin D status 165                    see also peanuts                              support for 205–7
National Institute for Health and       nutrient(s) 3–8
                                           classification 3                        obesity in, as risk factor for child
         Clinical Excellence               function and food                             obesity 197
         recommendations                         sources 229–31
   breastfeeding and breast milk           in pregnancy, key 62–5                  obesity treatment and role of 200–3
         expression 72–3, 84, 86, 87       requirements see requirements           preschool children, and new foods 142
   constipation 146                        at risk in preschool children 140       primary school children, influencing
   diabetes                             nutrient-enriched post-discharge
      childhood 214                              formula 127                             food tastes and preferences
      pregnancy 66–7                                                                     162–3
   food allergy and intolerance 187     oats and coeliac disease 189, 211          styles of parenting 32–4
   obesity                              obesity and overweight                  parenteral nutrition
      children 200, 202                                                            critical illness with poor gut
      in pregnancy 66                      child 195–204                                 function 210
   preconception body weight 57               assessment 196                       preterms 122
   pregnancy                                  consequences 197–8                peanuts (groundnuts)
      alcohol 69, 70                          definitions 44, 195–6                avoidance and alternatives 190
      diabetes 66–7                           factors associated with 196–7        in pregnancy 71
      obesity 66                              preschool 146, 198                Personal Child Health Record 42, 222
      vitamin D 63                            prevalence 196                    phenylketonuria 207
   weighing of infants and children 40        prevention 198–9                  phosphorus 8, 230
national nutritional data 52                  primary school 163, 165, 198         adolescents 173
nausea in pregnancy 71–2                      treatment 200–3                      in breast milk with preterms 125
neglecting parenting style 33                                                      reference nutrient intakes 11
Neonatal and Infant Close Monitoring       preconception 57–8                   physical activity (exercise)
         Chart 42                          pregnancy 66                            child
neonatal unit, preterms in              oesophageal reflux see gastro-                energy requirements and 2
   discharge home 127–8                                                               obesity and 199
   feeding routes 121–5                          oesophageal reflux                female fertility and 58
neonates/newborns                       oily fish                                  see also sports
   bottle-feeding 94                                                            physical disability 207
   breast milk for                         children 5                           phytochemicals 9, 222, 231
      changes in composition 90–1             preschool 134                     plant secondary metabolites
      expressing 87                                                                      (=phytochemicals) 9, 222, 231
   premature see preterm infants           pregnancy 65, 69                     polyunsaturated fats 5
   see also birthweight                 omega 3 fats 5, 65                         long-chain see long-chain
neophobia, food, preschool children                                                      polyunsaturated fats; omega 3
         142, 147, 148                     pregnancy 65, 68, 70                          fats; omega 6 fats
neural tube defects and folate 62             limiting intake 69                population differences in dietary intakes,
neurodevelopmental delay see                                                             adolescents 176
         developmental delay               vegetarian and vegan diets           portion sizes 17–18
                                                 and 17, 18, 68                    adolescents 173
                                                                                   preschool children 134
                                        omega 6 fats 5                             primary school children 163
                                        oral feeding or preterms 125–7
                                        orogastric tube feeding 209
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