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254 Index

selenium 8, 230                             spring-time meals plans for preschool     texture of weaning foods
   reference nutrient intakes 11                     children 137                        4-6 months 99–100
                                                                                         6-9 months 101
self-feeding, infants and toddlers 28, 106  standards, nutritional                       9-12 months 103
self-monitoring in obesity                     pre-school childcare settings 156–7
                                               primary school 165–7                   Thailand, Nutrition Flag 17
         treatment 202                                                                thiamin, requirements 10
sesame, avoiding 190                        starch 4                                  thickened feeds
sexual development, adolescents 171         stimulus control in obesity
shellfish, avoidance and                                                                 infants with gastro-oesophageal reflux
                                                     treatment 202                             disease 112, 117
         alternatives 191                   storage
Sikh traditions 27, 28                                                                   neurological disorders 219
sip feeds, high-energy 208                     breast milk 87–8                       tocopherol (vitamin E) 5, 7, 229
skin                                           formula milk 93                        toddlers see preschool children
                                            substance (drug) abuse and                tongue-tie 86
   prick and patch tests 187                                                          toothbrushing 19
   vitamin D synthesis in 6, 63, 152                 pregnancy 69
skinfold thickness 38                       sucrose 4                                    preschool children 144
sleep levels and obesity 200                sugar(s) 4                                   see also caries; dental health
slimming see dieting                                                                  toxoplasmosis in pregnancy 71
small-for-gestational age infants,             extrinsic/added/non-milk/for           trace minerals, safe intakes 12
                                                     sweetening (and its              trans fats 4
         classification 120, 121                     consumption) 4, 18–19, 222       travel abroad
SMART (goal-setting) in obesity                                                          food allergy and, in non-English-
                                                  adolescents 175
         treatment 202                            dental health and 18–19, 144–5               speaking countries 193
smoking and pregnancy 69                          preschool children 134, 144–5          making up formula feeds
snacks 20–1                                       recommended daily servings 15
                                               intrinsic 4                                     for 93–4
   adolescents 173, 175                     summer-time meals plans for preschool     treats, food and drink as 33–4
   in daily eating plans 22, 23                                                       tree nuts see nuts
   diabetic child 216                                children 138                     trophic feeds, preterms 122
   preschool children                       sunlight (UV) and vitamin D synthesis     tube feeding see enteral nutrition
                                                                                      TV watching and obesity 199–200
      in childcare settings 156                      6, 63, 152                       24-hour recall 45
      mismanagement 148–9                   supplementation (predominantly            twins, breastfeeding 83
   recording intake 48
      example case (pre-school                       micronutrients)                  UK-WHO growth charts 42
                                               adolescents 172                        UK90 reference data 41
         child) 49                             autistic spectrum disorders 210        ultraviolet (UV) and sunlight and
   routines 20                                 in pregnancy 63, 64
                                                                                               vitamin D synthesis 6, 63, 152
      advantages 34                               to avoid or limit 69–70             undernutrition (poor nutrition)
sociocultural influences on food               preschool children with faltering
                                                                                         adolescents 172
         choice 25–35                                growth 151                          preconception 58
   see also economic factors                   see also specific nutrients               pregnancy 61
sodium 8, 230                               surgery                                   underweight
   reference nutrient intakes 11               bariatric 202–3                           preconception 58
software for recording intake 52               gastro-oesophageal reflux disease 147     pregnancy 66
solid foods, weaning onto see               sweetening with sugar see sugar              primary school children 163–4
                                                                                      United States, MyPlate 17
         weaning                            take-away meals, adolescents 175          unsaturated fats 5
South Asian migrants in UK, traditional     taste                                        see also monounsaturated fat; omega 3

         foods 26                              offering new tastes for infants 107             fats; omega 6 fats;
soya, avoidance and alternatives 190–1         in pregnancy, changes in 72                     polyunsaturated fats
soya-based infant formula 92, 117              weaning                                US, MyPlate 17
specialist                                                                            UV (and sunlight) and vitamin D
                                                  4-6 months 99                                synthesis 6, 63, 152
   feeding clinics 151–2                          9-12 months 103
   referral with abnormal growth 44         tea, preschool children 135               vegan diet 17, 18
specialist feeding clinics, preschool          and iron deficiency 145                   pregnancy and 68
                                            teenagers see adolescents                    preschool children 141
         children 151–2                     teeth see caries; dental health;
spina bifida and folate 62
sports                                               toothbrushing
                                            television (TV) watching and obesity
   female athlete triad in
         sportswomen 178                             199–200
                                            ten-gram carbohydrate exchanges 215
   physical training for 179
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