Page 260 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
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Index 251
infections lactation 179 meal plans 21–3
breast (postpartum) 85 maintenance through expression of diabetic child 216
gastrointestinal milk (for preterms) 124 preschool children 137–9
food-borne see food-borne illnesses see also breastfeeding in childcare settings 156
infants 113 weaning 100–1, 102–3, 104
lactose 4
infertility intolerance 186 meat, preschool children 133
factors affecting risk of 57–9 media influences on food choices 31–2
male 59 lactose-free feeds 117, 147 medical conditions/disorders 205–20
laxatives 146
inflammatory bowel disease 206, 218 length (measurement for children under chronic 205–20
inherited disorders see genetic disorders obesity causing 197–8
insulin therapy 214 2 years) 38–41, 43, 233–235 obesity due to 197
intake of nutrients see adequate intake; lifestyle (healthy and its promotion) in pregnancy, pre-existing 68–9
medicines, sugar-containing 19
assessment; recommended daily in childcare setting 159, 200 men, infertility 59
intake; recording food intake; in obesity menarche and nutritional status 58
reference nutrient intakes; safe menus see meal; meal plans
intake and individual nutrients parents unready to make changes 203 metabolic disorders, inherited 206
intestine (bowel) in prevention 200 see also basal metabolic rate
failure (poor gut function), feeding in treatment 201–3 micronutrients 5–8
207, 210 lipid see fat (dietary) requirements 10
inflammation (of inflammatory bowel liquid ready-to-feed infant formulas 93 safe intakes 10, 12
disease) 206, 218 listeriosis in pregnancy 71 see also minerals; vitamins
intolerance see food hypersensitivity liver disease 206 midday meal (lunch)
intrauterine growth restriction, long-chain polyunsaturated fats 5 changing intake, example case 51
definition 121 pregnancy 65 primary school 165–7
iodine 7, 230 see also omega 3 fats; omega 6 fats recording intake 48
reference nutrient intakes 11 low-birthweight babies see also packed lunches
iron 7–8, 230 definition 120, 121 midday meal plans 22, 23
adolescents 173 nutritional requirements 121 diabetic child 216
in breast milk 91 pregnancy in women previously infant weaning 101, 102, 103, 104
with preterms 125 preschool children 137, 138, 139, 140,
deficiency 145 having 68
anaemia 29, 145 low income see economic factors 158–9
disorders other than lower reference nutrient intakes in childcare settings 158–9
anaemia 145 vegetarian 24, 140
primary school children 165 (LRNIs), adolescents 174, 176 mid-upper arm circumference 38
fertility and iron status 58 lunch see midday meal migrant groups in UK see ethnic
in formula milks 91
non-haem see non-haem iron macronutrients 3–5 minority groups
in pregnancy 63–4 magnesium 8, 230 milk
supplementation 63–4
vegetarian and vegan women 68 reference nutrient intakes 11 avoidance and alternatives 190, 191
in preschool children’s vegetarian malabsorption, fat 206 lactose intolerance 186
diets 140 male infertility 59 milk feeding 78–96
reference nutrient intakes 11 choices 78–9
see also boys
jejunostomy feeding 209 malnutrition sociocultural influences 30
Jewish traditions 27, 28 indication of inadequate intake 115
adolescents 176–8 older (6-12 months) infants 105–6
kangaroo care 126 with inadequate appetite 207–10 see also bottle-feeding; breastfeeding;
kidney (renal) disease 206 see also obesity; undernutrition
maltose 4 cow’s milk; milk feeding; weaning
formula feeds 118 manganese, safe intakes 12 minerals 7–8, 230–1
marketing, food 31–2
labels (food and ingredients) 191–2 mastitis 85 primary school child intakes 163
carbohydrate content 215 meal(s) (and menus) minority ethnic groups see ethnic
coeliac disease and 211 childcare settings see childcare settings
non-English-speaking countries 193 family practices 32 minority groups
mismanagement of mealtimes in modified infant formula 89
molybdenum, safe intakes 12
preschool children 148–9 monosaccharides 4
primary school 165–7 monosodium glutamate hypersensitivity
routines 20, 28
or intolerance 186
advantages 34
preschool children 136–7