Page 256 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
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Index 247

breast (mother’s)                        calcium 230                              Chinese migrants in UK, traditional
   abscess 85                               adolescents 173                                foods 26
   blocked ducts 85                         in breast milk with preterms 125
   engorgement 84–5                         in formula feeds                      chloride, reference nutrient
   infant attachment to 82–3                   constipation related to 113–14              intakes 11
   infection 85                                very low 118
                                            pregnancy 65                          choking
breast milk                                    vegetarian and vegan women 68         infants 107
   adequate supply 85–6                     reference nutrient intakes 11            preschool children 141
   composition/components 90–1              vitamin D (and its deficiency)
      changes during infant                       and 7, 152                      cholecalciferol see vitamin D
         development 80–1                                                         Christian traditions 27, 28
      preterms 124–5                     calories see energy                      chromium, safe intakes 12
   expressing 86–8                       Campylobacter in pregnancy 71            chromosomal disorders, obesity 197
      for preterms 124                   cancer 206, 211                          chronic disease and
   for preterms 123–5
      fortification 125                     phytochemicals in prevention of 9              syndromes 205–20
      trophic feeding of 122             carbohydrate (dietary) 4                 citrus fruit hypersensitivity or

breast pump 87                              in breast vs formula milks 90                  intolerance 186
breastfeeding 78–9, 79–85                   in diabetic diet 214–15               clothing, weight and length
                                            as energy source 3
   6-12 months 105–6                        extra added with inadequate                    measurement without 41
   advice/promotions/support 78–9,                                                coeliac disease 189, 206, 211–13, 221
                                                  appetite 208                    coercing or forcing to eat/drink more or
         81–3                               intolerance 206
      antenatal 72–3                        preschool children with faltering              to excess 33, 137
   benefits and advantages 79–80                                                     infants 31, 106
      for infants 79–80, 126                      growth, increasing 151             preschool children 142, 148, 149
      for mothers 80                        types 4                               coffee, preschool children 135
   growth faltering in breast-fed        carbohydrate disorders, Galactomin          see also caffeine
                                                                                  colic 111–12
         babies 115–16                            range of formulas 118           colostrum 80–1
   HIV and 79                            carbonated (fizzy) drinks                   diluted with mature milk
   mixed bottle-feeding and see bottle-
                                            adolescents 173, 175                           (=transitional milk) 80–1
         feeding                            preschool children 136                colourings, healthy intakes 20
   monitoring of infant 84               cardiovascular disease, phytochemicals   comfort, food and drink for 33–4
   nutritional needs of mother 88–9                                               commercial foods
   obesity and 197                                in prevention of 9
   preterms 122, 123–5, 126              carers see parents (and other carers)       infants
                                         Caribbean Island migrants in UK,               formula feeds 92
      discharge home from neonatal                                                      weaning 106
         unit 127                                 traditional foods 26
                                         caries (dental decay)                       labelling see labels
   problems and solutions 84–6                                                       saturated fat 4
      constipation 113                      fluoride and 7                        complementary feeding of infants see
      food hypersensitivity 115             poverty and 29
                                            preschool children 141, 144–5                  weaning
   return to work and 88                    primary school children 165           computer software for recording
   routines/techniques/progression          sugar and 19
                                         carnitine in breast vs formula milks 91           intake 52
         81–3                            Caroline Walker Trust 157, 159           conception, improving chance of 57
   sociocultural influences 30–1         carotene 6
   twins/multiples 83                       pregnancy, avoiding high doses 69        see also fertility; preconception
   see also lactation                    casein-dominant infant formula 89, 92    congenital heart disease/
Buddhists 27, 28                            constipation and 114
bulimia nervosa 178                      centile charts see growth charts                  defects 206, 219
   and fertility 58                      central obesity, preconception 58        constipation 146
                                         cerebral palsy 207, 219
caffeine                                 cheese in pregnancy 71                      exacerbating factors 146
   fertility and 58                      childcare settings (nursery/daycare)        infants 113–14
   maternal                                 feeding/eating/meals in 155–60, 200      pregnancy 72
      antenatal 70                                                                   preschool children 146
      breastfeeding 88                         food allergy and 192–3                symptoms 146
   see also coffee                             obesity prevention and 200            treatment (incl. dietary
                                            healthy lifestyle promotion 159, 200
                                                                                           changes) 146
                                                                                  cooking skills, adolescents 179
                                                                                  copper 7, 230

                                                                                     reference nutrient intakes 11
                                                                                  coughing (while feeding), infant 107
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