Page 258 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
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Index 249
faddy or selective eating, young children primary school children 163 definition (compared to food
141–2, 147–51 see also prebiotics hypersensitivity) 184
finger foods 99, 102, 103, 106
familial factors, gestational diabetes 67 hard 103 diagnosis 114–15, 187–8
family lifestyle in obesity prevention 200 soft 99, 101 epidemiology 186–7
family meals and feeding practices 32–4 fish family adaptations 192
avoidance and alternatives 191 infants 114–15
food allergy/intolerance and 192 oily see oily fish
obesity prevention 199 preschool children 134 weaning and 100, 105
fasting (religious) 2 fish oil supplements in pregnancy 65, 69 management 189
fat (body) fizzy drinks see carbonated drinks see also food hypersensitivity
girls vs boys 43 flour, folate fortification 62 food-borne illnesses/infections (and
preconception, excessive or low 58 fluid (neonates and infants)
fat (dietary lipid) 4–5 constipation and intake of 114 food poisoning)
in breast milk 90 requirements 94 in pregnancy 70–1
as energy source 3 preschool children 141
extra added with inadequate extra 94 food challenges 188–9
see also dehydration; water food colours and preservatives, healthy
appetite 208 fluoride 7, 230
foods high in see high-fat foods safe intakes 12 intakes 20
in formula milks 90 in toothpaste 19 food diary 45, 46
folate/folic acid 174–5 food frequency questionnaire 45, 46
specialist feeds 118 adolescent girls, supplementation food groups (five)
malabsorption 206
preschool children with faltering 173–4 adolescents, serving ideas by 174
children (in general) 10 assessment of nutritional adequacy by
growth 151 preconception 56–7
saturated see saturated fat pregnancy 62–3 24, 47–52
unsaturated fats see monounsaturated in coeliac disease, to include/
supplementation 62, 64
fat; omega 3 fats; omega 6 fats; follow-on formulas 92, 106 exclude 212
polyunsaturated fats; food(s) in daily meal plans 22, 23
unsaturated fat in pregnancy, recommended daily
feeding (and eating) additives 186
environment see environment beneficial components other than intake 62
family practices see family meals and preschool children see preschool
feeding practices classical nutrients 9
healthy see healthy eating choice/selection/preferences/tastes children
infants see infants recommended daily servings 14–15
preschool children adolescents 172 school children see school children
with challenging behaviours primary school children 162–3 weaning
141–2, 147–51, 155–6 sociocultural influences 25–35
in childcare settings see childcare infant, to avoid or limit 107, 108 6-9 months 102
settings labels see labels 9-12 months 103
tube see enteral nutrition maternal, to avoid or limit vegetarian diet 104
see also self-feeding antenatal 69–70 food hypersensitivity (incl. intolerance)
feeding clinics, specialist 151–2 breastfeeding 88–9
female athlete triad 178 neophobia, preschool children 142, 184–94
see also breastfeeding; conception; breastfeeding and 89
fertility; girls; preconception; 147, 148 definition (compared to food
pregnancy nutritional standards for, childcare
fertility 56–60 allergy) 184
factors affecting 57–9 settings 156–7 diagnosis 114–15, 187–8
improving 57 obesity prevention and 198–9 family adaptations 192
see also infertility preparation skills for adolescents 179 infants 112, 113, 114–15
festivals primary school 165–9 management 189–92
nursery celebrations 157 refusal see also food allergy and specific
religious 27
fetus, prenatal nutrition and possible diabetic child 217–18 intolerances
consequences for 55–75 young children 141–2, 147–51, food intolerance see food
fibre 4
preschool children 133 155–6, 217–18 hypersensitivity
as rewards 33–4 food safety and hygiene
sources of specific nutrients 229–31
food allergy 185–6, 221 infants 107
antenatal, avoidance 71 pregnant women 70–1
preschool children 141
forcing a child to eat/drink more or to
excess see coercing
foreign travel, making up formula feeds
for 93–4