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Index 253

posseting 112                              preterm infants 120–30                       neurological disabilities 219
potassium 8, 230                              age correction for measurements 42        preschool children, achieving 132–4
                                              classification 120, 121                   preterm infants 120–1
   reference nutrient intakes 11              feeding routes 121–3
poverty see economic factors                  nutritional requirements 120–1               daily, in parenteral or enteral
powdered formula, making up 93                                                                nutrition 123
powdered supplements for preschool         primary school children 162–70
                                              obesity and overweight 163, 165, 198      primary school children 166
         children with faltering                                                        see also adequate intake; estimated
         growth 151                        probiotics 9, 222, 230
Prader–Willi syndrome 207, 222             problem-solving in obesity                         average requirement; reference
prebiotics 4, 222                                                                             nutrient intakes
   in breast vs formula milks 91                    treatment 202                    retinol see vitamin A
preconception 56–60                        protein 222                               rewards
   nutritional advice (incl. supplements)                                               food and drink as 33–4
         56–60, 64                            in breast milk 90                         in obesity treatment 202
pre-existing medical conditions in               with preterms 125                   riboflavin requirements 10
         pregnancy 68–9                                                              rickets 7, 152
pregnancy 61–75, 179                          cow’s milk see cow’s milk
   common dietary problems 71–2               as energy source 3                     safe intakes, micronutrients 10, 12
   food safety 70–1                           in formula milk 90                     safety see food safety
   healthy eating 61–2                        reference nutrient intakes 9, 10       salads for packed lunches for preschool
   increased nutritional risks in 66–70    pubertal growth spurt 40, 43, 171–2
   key nutrients 62–5                      puddings in packed lunches for                     children 159
      vitamin D see vitamin D                                                        salmonellosis in pregnancy 71
   see also fertility; preconception                preschool children 159           salt, recommended/healthy
premature infants see preterm              pulses 222
         infants                                                                              intakes 8, 19
prenatal nutrition 55–75                      preschool children 134                 sandwich fillings for preschool
preschool children (1-4 years incl.        pyridoxine (vitamin B6)
         toddlers) 131–60                                                                     children 158–9
   achieving nutrient and calorie                   requirements 10                  saturated fat 4
         requirements 132–4
   changing intake (example case) 51       Rastafarian food traditions 27               healthy intakes 20
   common nutritional                      ready-to-feed infant formulas 93          school children (in school) 161–81
         problems 144–54                   recommended daily intake
   drinks see drinks                                                                    food allergy and 192–3
   faddy or selective eating and food         pregnant women, by food groups 62         food groups for 166
         refusal 141–2, 147–51, 155–6,        salt/sodium (maximum) 8
         217–18                            recommended daily servings, food                packed lunches 169
   feeding see feeding                                                                     recommended/suggested foods and
   food groups with                                 groups 14–15
      combining 133–4                      recording food intake 46–52                        daily servings 14–15, 164
      in packed lunches 158                                                             primary see primary school children
      recommended servings 14–15, 135         methods 45–6                              see also adolescents
   food safety 141                         Red Book (Personal Child Health           School Food Trust 157, 160, 166
   growth charts 233, 235                                                            Scientific Advisory Committee on
   meal plans see meal plans                        Record) 42, 222
   meal routines 136–7                     reference nutrient intakes (RNIs) 9                Nutrition (SACN)
   nutrients at risk 140                                                                on salt/sodium intake 8
   obesity and overweight 146, 198            minerals 11                               on vitamin D 165
   portion sizes 134                             adolescents 173                        on weaning 98, 100
   recording intake (example                     sodium/salt 8                       Scotland
         case) 49, 50                                                                   nutritional standards and guidance
   self-feeding 28                            protein 9, 10
   specialist feeding clinics 151–2           school lunches 166                           preschool children in childcare
   vitamin supplements 134                    vitamins in adolescents 172                     157, 160
preservatives, healthy intakes 20             see also lower reference nutrient
                                                                                           primary school children 166–7
                                                    intakes                             young peoples’ intakes compared to
                                           referral to paediatrician with abnormal
                                                                                              south of England 176
                                                    growth 44                        secondary school children see
                                           refrigerated or frozen breast
                                                    milk 87, 88                      sedentary behaviour and
                                              warming or thawing 88, 94
                                           religion 27–9                                      obesity 199–200
                                           renal disease see kidney disease             in childcare settings 200
                                           requirements 9–10                         selective or faddy eating, young
                                              adolescents 172–3
                                              appetite inadequate to satisfy 207–10           children 141–2, 147–51, 155–6,
                                              energy 2–3                                      217–18
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