Page 16 - GSNEO Tribute Book 2013
P. 16

Mifton H. Lacey

Mifton Lacey was the director of Girl Scouts in Dayton, Ohio,
when she was requested by GSUSA to go to Canton, Ohio to
be the fourth executive director in 2 years in 1925. Before her
retirement 38 years later she directed the formation of Great
Trail Girl Scout Council, taking in parts of seven counties under
the “Green Umbrella.” She continued to be involved and was
on the Council Board in 1976 at the age of 84. Her collection
of national and local memorabilia is the basis of artifacts in
“Memory Hall” created in 1976. She received her 65 year pin
before her death at age 90.

Honored by
Ryllis Guist
Madeline LaPolla

Twelve years ago my daughter, Maddy, came home from
kindergarten with a fyer about Girl Scouts. She handed it to me
saying, “Mom I want to be a Girl Scout and I want you to be my
leader.” I dedicate this tribute to twelve years of hard work and
lots of fun in Girl Scouting and a complete set of Bronze, Silver
and Gold Awards in honor of my daughter Madeline LaPolla now
a senior in high school and a beautiful young woman of courage
confdence and character who has and will continue to make
the world a better place.

Honored by
Judi LaPolla
Kayla Malmfeldt

As you make a new beginning in your life be aware of important
things you didn’t learn in school. As you pursue your dreams,
remember to take time to help and serve others even if doing so
slows you down a little. As life hands you challenges, welcome
them as ways to become smarter and stronger. As you acquire
material things, know that your most important possessions
are honesty, integrity and the desire to make a difference.
Congratulations, Kayla. I am so proud of the amazing woman
you have become!
Honored by

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