Page 81 - Humphreys HS_2023 YBK
P. 81

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                                                                                               SCIENCE DEPARTMENT

         STEPPING OUTSIDE OF THE BOX //                               How do you feel about the science class you're currently taking?

                            TAPHANIYAWARANGKUL, 12//             ESTHER KIM, 12 //                    TIMOTHY KANG, 11 //
                            "AP Physics is a really              "My science class                    "My science class is a
                            challenging class, and I             isn't bad. I enjoy                   good class for me,
                            get to try new things                learning the materials               because I need it to
                            that I've never done, like           through all of the                   graduate. It's also good
                            labs."                               labs."                               because of Mrs. Loken."

     TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE                                                TOP: Jordan Bates, 10, and Craig An, 10, experiment to discover the  TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE  Customer is allowed to have objects outside of the margin.

                                                                          differences between ionic and covalent bonds.
                                                                          LEFT: Jayden Alicaba, 12, and Kyung Joon Flanery, 12, build solar
                                                                          houses using cardboard. How exciting!
                                                                          RIGHT: Faith Song, 12, builds a solar house that uses nothing but
                                                                          RECORD BREAKERS //

                                                                          WHO LAUNCHED MARSHMALLOWS THE FURTHEST?
                                                                           Ballista: Todd Robinson and Diego Lopez  23.5 m

                                                                           Catapult: Reece Connell and Riley Tomlinson  10.3 m

                                            1. Jihoo Kim, 11, and Minseo   Trebuchet: Brandon Borelli and Katerine Kim  6 m
                                            Harthausen, 10, collaborate to
                                            collect data of the speed and
                                            mass of a toy car.
          2. Alexandria Tabaquero, 11, enjoys playing with a slink in Physics class.
          3. Majestic Cody, 10, has full concentration on doing the experiment with Ms. Gingold but
          still having fun.
          4. Nathan Schild, 11, and Jelissa Vegas, 12, explore the many complex layers of our natural
          world in AP Environmental Science using chalk on the desks to illustrate the photosynthesis


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