Page 104 - PIGNAT catalogue 2020 GB_092020
P. 104
➢ Unit allowing drying loose solids by hot air wash through a chamber
were the solids are placed on plates
Study of the drying process
Influence of air temperature
Moisture evolution
Drying speed
Mass balance
General specifications Instrumentation
• Temperature probes.
• Drying tunnel with a glazed door. • Humidity probes.
Supervision - Data acquisition
• Variable speed fan.
• Heating element.
• Digital balance with shelf.
• Three supporting plates.
• Control unit with touch screen and drying 400 V
curves recording. 3ϕ - 50/60 Hz
Dim : 190 x 110 x 170 cm - 290 kg
➢ Study air fluidization of solid particles
Apply experimental fluidization equations
Define the DP graph for the fluidized bed as a function of air flow rate
Determine the minimum fluidization velocity
Influence of the height of the bed of particles
Study the drying of solid particles in a hot air stream
Apply the humid air graph
Determine the kinetic graphs for linear phase and diffusion phase drying
General specifications Instrumentation
• Air blower, variable speed drive for flow con- • Temperature probes Pt 100 Ω.
trol. • Coupled temperature / relative humidity
• Air heating device, with safety thermostat and • One air speed transmitter with hot wire
low flow rate safety detector. sensor.
• Vacuum gauge.
• Air diffuser, stainless steel fritted. • Float rotameter.
• Glass fluidization chamber, product feeding
and sampling taps.
• Differential pressure measurement,
piezometric tube.
100 - 240 V
• Particle filter at air outlet. 1ϕ - 50/60 Hz
Dim : 120 x 80 x 200 cm - 150 kg
104 Bio-industry