Page 3 - Tome Foundation, Inc. Scholarship
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Scholarship IMPACT on MSM medical students

                    child who vowed to
                    become a doctor after
                    witnessing his uncle’s
         A th from pancreatic
        cancer. A girl who received a stetho-
        scope as a gift and wore it around
        the house because she knew she was
        meant to be a physician. A teenager
        who, while visiting his cousin in an
        intensive care unit, walked the halls
        and saw too much — children with
        burns, gunshot wounds, other trau-
        ma — and knew he wanted to help.
        A girl who lost her five-year-old
        brother to meningitis after doctors
        failed to make the right diagnosis.
            What do all of these children
        have in common? They all have        threatens to dissuade them from      male doctor until I was 23 years
        grown up to become medical stu-      taking lower-paying jobs in needy    old,” he says. “That has been one of
        dents at Morehouse School of Medi-   communities. With scholarship        my motivators throughout medical
        cine in Atlanta.                     support, these doctors are freed to   school.”
            For more than 40 years, More-    serve in primary care and under-        MSM’s focus on health equity
        house School of Medicine has         privileged communities.              has not gone unnoticed; the school
        been known for educating the next        As you know, the country is      has twice bested all other medical
        generation of physicians who will    becoming more and more diverse,      schools in a national study to be
        provide culturally competent care to   but the diversity of its healthcare   named number-one for the insti-
        underserved communities. Indeed,     workforce still lags, with just five   tution’s dedication to the social
        about 66 percent of our graduates    percent of physicians identifying as   mission of medical education.
        are doing just that.                 African American. This is due, in       “MSM resonates with my per-
            “Many schools have mission       part, to the high cost of completing   sonal convictions that health care is
        statements that are more or less the   a medical degree. The impact is    a right, not a privilege,” says schol-
        same. Morehouse School of Med-       significant, given that studies show   arship recipient Adonias Christo-
        icine lives up to its mission,” says   that Black patients tend to have bet-  pher Lemma. “I did not enter this
        scholarship recipient Alexandria     ter outcomes when treated by Black   profession for the money. I am in it
        Williams.                            physicians.                          to help people.”
            MSM’s MD students, who               Young Black people need role        Financial concerns can be
        typically come from more difficult   models, to show that it is possible   significant for students at MSM.
        socioeconomic circumstances than     to pursue a career in medicine, says   Though the average household in-
        their peers, often leave medical     MSM scholarship recipient Dari-      come of students entering medical
        school with crushing debt that       us Stephens. “I didn’t have a Black                    continued on next page
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