Page 4 - Tome Foundation, Inc. Scholarship
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                                                                                         IN SOCIAL MISSION
                                                                                           Nation’s top medical
                                                                                            school in fulfilling
                                                                                            its social mission

        continued from previous page
        schools is $175,000, MSM students    that will change the world.                      68%
        tend to come from households with        “Thinking about a wife, kids,            MSM M.D. Alumni
        an average income of $70,000. And    home, and the debt that comes                     Serving in
        while tuition at MSM is slightly     with pursuing a medical education               Primary Care.
        lower than the average, the average   has caused stress,” says recipient
        debt load for a graduating MSM       Kamron Robinson. “However, not
        student is over $250,000 vs. a na-   specializing in primary care or not
        tional average of about $190,000.    serving the underserved has never
            “I have definitely had concerns   been an option.”                               MSM ALUMNI
        about being able to pay off student      “This scholarship has helped              Giving Rate Ranks
        loans,” Stephens says. “While I rec-  motivate me through some tough                    9th
        ognize that this path is not one for   moments during this academic
        those seeking financial gain, I still   year,” says Ngafla Bakayoko. “As a           Among all US
        didn’t want to live with the burden   second-year student, the workload             Medical Schools
        of an insurmountable debt.”          increased drastically while we were
            Scholarship support “allows      preparing for board examinations.
        some of the burden to be taken       It is easy to doubt yourself and want
        away, and it is such a blessing. Now   to give up when there required level
        I can follow whichever path I would  of performance is so high.
        like to, and not base my specialty       Remembering that there are
        on how much I will make,” says       people that believe in me enough to                 98%
        recipient Sonya F. Randolph. “I am   invest in my education encourages                 M.D. Match
        so thankful that someone who does    me and reminds me that I am capa-
        not know us took the time to be-     ble of accomplishing all of the tasks               97%
        lieve in us and invest in our futures.”  set in front of me.                          Placement of
            The scholarships will allow          Thank you for seeing us, hear-              M.P.H. Graduates
        MSM’s students to pursue careers     ing us, and believing in us.”
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