Page 8 - Tome Foundation, Inc. Scholarship
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Tome´   Scholars
                                     Making Student Dreams A Reality

        Kailen Turner                        focus more on my studies instead of
                                             dwelling on how to pay off my educa-
        Las Vegas, NV                        tion-related expenses.
        1st-year M.D. student                    • Do you volunteer with any orga-
                                             nizations? If so, please provide details
            • What first interested you in your   of your experiences?
        program of study or medicine? Was        MSM-Tuskegee Academy CON-
        there a “lightbulb” or “a-ha” moment?   NECT Mentoring – I mentor a young
        Can you tell us about it?            girl named Shaniya, and for over
            During my senior year of high    a year and a half, I have seen her
        school, I had the opportunity to vol-  blossom. She has transitioned from
        unteer at Sunrise Hospital and Medi-  being quiet and reserved to now
        cal Center, and this experience intro-  being a confident and bright student.
        duced me to the pediatric healthcare   Together, we worked on strengthening
        unit. I have always loved working with   her math skills and reading compre-
        kids, whether through babysitting or   hension. I often saw my younger self
        mentoring; however, through this ex-  within her, and we bonded over our   traumatic brain injuries. After pre-
        perience, I recognized the importance   similarities.                     paring a meal, I would often speak
        of advocating for child’s well-being.    Las Vegas Community Service      to residents about the day’s activities.
        Due to this exposure, I realized it was   Activities - During my breaks from   Their speaking abilities varied: some
        my ultimate desire to become a medi-  school, I volunteer with different   patients’ speech was unaffected, while
        cal doctor.                          organizations back home such as The   others had developed a stutter or
            • Why did you choose Morehouse   Just One Project and the Las Vegas   hesitated when communicating their
        School of Medicine?                  Rescue Mission, taking on tasks such   message.
            I chose to attend Morehouse      as bagging groceries and helping in     • What do you hope to accomplish
        School of Medicine because I admired   the kitchen.                       in your career after graduation/resi-
        its values. I enjoy working directly     Sunset Park Family Health Cen-   dency?
        with people and helping those within   ter - During my time spent at the     After I graduate from medical
        my community, and I feel that attend-  Sunset Park Family Health Center, I   school and complete my residency, my
        ing this school will help me achieve   had the opportunity to read to chil-  initial goal is to become a pediatrician
        this.                                dren in the waiting room, assist with   in an underserved community. I want
            • Please share how scholarship   a parent-learning group, and enter   to focus on lessening the develop-
        support helps you — academically,    screening data. My goal was to make   ment of health disparities in minority
        professionally, and personally.      patients and families feel comfortable   populations.
            As an incoming first year MD     and satisfied during their healthcare   • If you could say or do one thing
        student, I am excited and grateful to   experience, and to assist physicians in   to thank your donors, what would it
        be starting the next part of my jour-  documenting important information.  be?
        ney to becoming a physician, but I       Briarbank House - Briarbank         Thank you so much! I am so
        am also slightly nervous about the   House is an assisted living center for   grateful to have received this scholar-
        workload and the financial aspect of   individuals who are recovering from   ship. This has changed my life.
        this endeavor.
            During this major transition
        in my life, receiving this scholar-                My initial goal is to become a pediatrician
        ship will take a large burden off my
        shoulders. I recognize that during         “       in an underserved community. I want
        the next four years, it is essential that          to focus on lessening the development of
        I budget efficiently to put myself in              health disparities in minority populations.
        the best position further down the
        road. This scholarship will help me to
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