Page 6 - Tome Foundation, Inc. Scholarship
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Tome´   Scholars
                                     Making Student Dreams A Reality

        Keana A. Murray                      an experience that I was unaccus-
                                             tomed to as an undergraduate stu-
        Oak Park, MI                         dent. It was also an experience that I
        1st-year M.D. student                was not willing to give up.

            • What first interested you in       • What is your program of study
        your program of study or medicine?   and area of specialty?
        Was there a “lightbulb” or “a-ha”        I would like to specialize in
        moment?                              Family Medicine, but I would also
            I first became interested in med-  like to undergo a fellowship in
        icine as a junior at my undergradu-  Emergency Medicine.
                                                 •  Please share how scholarship
        ate institution. I had recently heard   support helps you — academically,
        news of that an elderly woman, who   professionally, and personally?
        I only met a few months earlier had      This scholarship will help me
        died from metastatic lung cancer.    achieve my educational and career
            I honestly cannot explain why
        this woman, a stranger, had a such   goals. Medical school is expensive      Although I hope to devote most
        a profound impact on me. Maybe it    and this support allows me to com-   of my professional time to caring for
        was because she reminded me of my    fortably focus on my studies without   patients, I would also like to teach
        own grandmother or maybe it was      the stress of finances looming over   future students interested in medi-
        because her distrust in the medical   my head . The scholarship will help   cine.
        field was a story that I have often   by lowering the costs of medical       I also would like to be active in
        heard repeated by my own friends     school and allow me to have more     the community that I serve and have
        and family.                          time to focus on my studies and      different events that would improve
                                             eventual goals.
            The news of her death brought                                         the health and well-being of the
        such sadness that I wanted to be a       • Do you volunteer with any      residents in that community.
        change agent in the medical field. I   organizations?                        •  If you could say or do one
        no longer wanted Black or Brown          I currently volunteer with sever-  thing to thank your donors, what
        people to feel mistreated or mis-    al organizations. One in particular is   would it be?
        heard by medical professionals. I    Grady Memorial Hospital’s monthly       Thank you for trusting and
                                             Fresh Food Cart. It has been very
        no longer wanted them to avoid       influential and motivating. This     believeing in me. The impact of this
        medical attention because of their   monthly event distributes healthy    scholarship will last generations, as
        distrust. I wanted to help people live   foods to patients that were deemed   it will be multiplied by the many
        their best life, physically and men-  vulnerable and food insecure.       lives it will touch and serve. It does
        tally.                                                                    not just benefit me and my family. It
             •  Why did you choose More-         •  What do you hope to accom-    will also benefit the underrepresent-
        house School of Medicine?            plish in your career after gradua-   ed and underserved communities
            Not only does Morehouse          tion/residency?                      that MSM is committed to help.
        School of Medicine’s mission align
        with that of my own, but I also chose
        this institution because of the over-               Thank you for trusting and believeing
        whelming positive and motivating
        atmosphere it gives to its students        “        in me. The impact of this scholarship
            As a previous student in the                    will last generations, as it will be mul-
        MSMS program, I learned that                        tiplied by the many lives it will touch
        MSM was my family away from
        home. I was continuously motivated                  and serve.
        and encouraged to do better. It was
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