Page 59 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 59

COMMUNICATION                                     Extra vocabulary
                                                              hands-on              individually-oriented
                                                              tailoring     responsive to

           1    a  Work in groups. Read the introduction to the Just imagine! forum. Discuss and take notes of your
                 own predictions.

             b Read the predictions which have been posted and see if any are similar to yours.
              Just imagine!

              This is a forum launched by Nhat Minh School in Da Nang. The students were asked to share their
              thoughts about the roles of schools in the future. Here are some posts we would like to share with you.

             Post 22                                        Post 76

             The school will be like a small city. Classes will   The school will no longer be the only evaluator
             be held in traditional classrooms as well as in   which decides whether a student is allowed to
             places like fast food restaurants where students   enter university. Society will also be part of this
             will learn how to run a business, or in a nursing   evaluation through the activities a student has
             home where they will learn to take care of others.   performed outside class.
             In short, learning will be more hands-on.      Hung, class 9D
             Lan, class 6A

             Post 51                                        Post 101

             Self-study  will  be  valued.  Students  will  have   Schools  will  be  more  responsive  to  changes  in
             more freedom to choose whether to go to school   society  by  constantly  tailoring  their  curriculum
             on  certain  days  and  for  certain  lessons.  Class   and  activities.  In  so  doing,  they  will  greatly
             attendance  check-up  will  no  longer  be  used.   contribute to the development of the economy
             Students will be able to stay at home and follow   and help keep society safe.
             the lessons online, or study the topic from other   Nguyen, class 8G
             reliable sources. Learning will be more individually-
             oriented, and thus be more effective.
             Cuong, class 9B

                Unit 11/ Changing Roles in Society
           64   Unit 11/ Changing Roles in Society
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