Page 60 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 60

2   Work in groups. Look at the coloured words/       SKILLS 1
             phrases  in  the  posts.  Then  discuss  and   nd
             their meanings from the context.

              1.   hands-on
                                                         1 Discuss in groups.
                                                         1.   What changes in society will we see in ten years’ time?
              2.     individually-oriented
                                                         2.   What will be the changes in the roles of men and
                                                            women in society?
              3.     evaluator
                                                         3.   How will the increasing involvement of women in
                                                            public life a ect society?
              4.     responsive to                       CHANGES TO COME

              5.     tailoring

           3   Which response (1-4) is the most relevant to
             each of the posts in 1b?

             Post 22:   ___________  Post 76:   ___________
             Post 51:   ___________  Post 101:  ___________
                                                         2 a  Read the passage and match the underlined
                                                               words/phrases  in  the  passage  with  their
           1.  I  agree  that  academic  performance  is  not  the   de nitions.
             only criterion to evaluate a person.              eveloping countries have witnessed enormous
           2.   Surveys  will  be  conducted  to   nd  out  the   changes  in  their  societi es,  and  the  most
             changing demands of society.                Dfascinati ng one, no doubt, is the ever increasing
           3.   This development will allow a student to tailor   involvement of women in educati on and employment.
             his/her own learning.                       More and more women in these countries are entering
           4.   I have the same vision of seeing us learn more   university, getti  ng higher educati on degrees, and going
             from real life.                             out to work. They are no longer content with staying
                                                         at home, in the sole role of a housewife. This dramati c
           4   WHAT DO YOU THINK?                        change will greatly aff ect the socio-economic picture

             Discuss  in  groups.  Support               of these countries.
              your  answers  with  speci c              With  more  women  going  out  to  work,  the  fi nancial
              reasons and examples.                      burden of the male ‘breadwinners’ in the family will be
                                                         reduced. However, along with this, they will no longer
                                                         be  the  dominant  fi gures,  the  sole  decision-makers,
                                                         and will learn to share the housework. This change will
                                                         certainly be advantageous for children. They will get
                                                         more aff ecti on and care from their fathers. They will
                                                         also learn to be more independent since both parents
                                                         will work.
              Which  change  in  the  roles  of  schools  in  the   The  service  sector  will  therefore  be  the  fi rst  to  be
             Just imagine! forum …                       challenged. There will be greater demand for child-care
                                                         provision,  convenience  foods,  housework  services,
           1.  are you most interested in?               and aft er-school acti viti es and tutoring services. With
           2.  do you  nd most unlikely to happen?      higher educati on and more money to spend, people
           3.   are you sure will be coming soon?        will  be  expecti ng  bett er  quality  services  and  higher
           4.   will involve the participation of the whole society?  living standards. This, consequently, will help develop
                                                         the countries’ economy.

           65   Unit 11/ Changing Roles in Society
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