Page 61 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 61

b Work in groups. Share the predictions
             Words/phrases             Denitions
                                                                  you  agree  with  in  3a  in  the  group.
                                                                  Discuss  if  you  agree  with  your
            1.  have witnessed a.   pressure to earn enough money  groupmates’ choices. Give reasons and
            2.  no doubt     b. satised                          examples to support your opinion.
            3.  content      c.    therefore/as a result       Example:
            4.  sole         d.   have seen something happen   A:   I  agree  that  half  of  the  primary  school
            5.   nancial    e.    clearly                        teachers will be male.
               burden        f.     only                       B:  No way! There will be more men than now,
            6.  consequently                                      but I don’t think the ratio will be 50/50.
                                                               A:   Maybe. But it would be best if half were
           b Read the passage again and answer the questions.     male.  Perhaps  it  should  be  made  into
                                                                  a law.
           1.   What  is  seen  as  a  fascinating  change  in  developing   C:   I agree with A. Children need both male
           2.   What will be aected by this change?              and  female  role  models  to  develop  into
                                                                  productive members of society.
           3.  How will the roles of the males in families change?
           4.   What will the children learn when their mothers go out   4 With  more  women  having  well-paid
              to work?                                            jobs,  what  changes  will  we  see  in  the
           5.   Which economic sector will be challenged rst by the   service sector? Make a list, and present
              change?                                             it to the class.
           6.   How  will  the  countries’  economies  benet  from  this   Example:
              change?                                          1.   Supermarkets will sell more convenience
           Speaking                                            2.   There will be more beauty salons.
           3 a  Here are some predictions about the changing   3.   Tutoring centres will grow.
                 roles of males and females in the future. Tick ( )    4.   …
                 the one(s) you agree with.

           1.   More men will be stay-at-home dads: looking after the
              children and doing housework.
           2.   It will be normal for women to ask men to marry them.
           3.   The  husband  will  also  get  paid  leave  when  his  wife
              gives birth.
           4.   Half of primary school teaching sta will be male.
           5.   There will be more female politicians.
           6.   Careers such as the police, the army, security guards and
              private detectives will no longer be male-dominated.

                Unit 11/ Changing Roles in Society
           66   Unit 11/ Changing Roles in Society
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