Page 62 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 62


                                                         3  Listen to part 2 again and  ll the blanks with
           Listening                                        the correct information.
                                                            Percentage of women in Kenya staying at home
           1 Look  at  the  maps. Where  is  Kenya  located?   as housewives in
             What do you know about this country?           1. 1995: ________________________________________
                                                            2. 2010: ________________________________________
                                                            3. 2025: ________________________________________
                                                            Percentage  of  women  in  Kenya  attending
                                                            colleges and universities in
                                                            4. 1995: ________________________________________
                                                            5. 2010: ________________________________________
                                                            6. 2025: ________________________________________

                                                         4 Work  in  groups.  How  do  you  think  the
                                                            roles of teenagers will change in the future?
                                                            Brainstorm  and  make  a  list  of  possible
                                                                Teenagers’ roles in the future:
                                                                1. _____________________________________
           2  Listen to the description of some changes in      2. _____________________________________
             the  roles  of  women  in  Kenya.  Decide  if  the      3. _____________________________________
             statements are true (T) or false (F).
                                             T    F

           1.  Kenya was more male-dominated             5 Choose one of your group’s ideas, and write a
              in  the  mid-twentieth  century               short paragraph about it.
              than now.
           2.  Women  work  to  be   nancially             In your writing, you should include:
              independent.                                  - what the change is
                                                            - why you think the change will happen
           3.  The  number  of  women  attending
              colleges and universities has risen.          - what this change will mean for society
           4.  About  one  third  of  Kenyan                  __________________________________________
              females  stayed  at  home  as
              housewives in 1995.                             __________________________________________

           5.  In  2025,  more  than  half  of  the           __________________________________________
              student population in Kenya will                __________________________________________
              be girls.                                       __________________________________________

           67   Unit 11/ Changing Roles in Society
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