Page 67 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 67


                                                          2 Fill  each  blank  with  a  suitable  job  from 1,
                                                             adapting them where necessary.
           Vocabulary                                     1.   She dreams of becoming a ______ because she
                                                             really likes physics.
           1 Put  one  word/phrase  under  each  picture.   2.   He  has  a  talent  for   xing  things,  so  he  is  an
              There is one extra word.                       excellent ______.
                                                          3.   My father is running a pharmacy. He is a ______.
                                                          4.  He wants to become a ______. He’s very interested
              opera singer    architect   mechanic           in fashion and design.
              fashion designer  tour guide      pharmacist
              businesswoman   craftsman   physicist       5.  As  a(n)  ______,  he  has  many  opportunities  to
                                                             perform in the Grand Theatre.
                                                          6.  Working as ______, they design buidings.
                                                          7.  They  have  won  many  big  contracts.  They  are
                                                             successful ______.
                                                          8.   Working with skilled ______ in a pottery village,
                                                             I learnt a lot about the art form.

                                                          3 a  Match  each  word/phrase  in  the  left
                                                               column with its de nition in the right one.
           1. ____________________  2. _____________________  Words/Phrases       De nitions

                                                           1.  career   A.    a type of job that needs special
                                                                           training or skills, often at a
                                                                           higher educational level
                                                           2.  job      B.  work which a person does to
                                                                           earn money

                                                           3.  profession  C.   the way a person progresses
                                                                           in work in one job or in a
           3. ____________________  4. _____________________               series of jobs
                                                           4.  career path D.  a series of jobs a person does
                                                                           in a particular work area

           5. ____________________  6. _____________________

                                                          b  Fill each gap with a word/phrase in 3a.
                                                          1.   Throughout his teaching ______, he worked as a
                                                             teacher, a researcher and a textbook writer.
                                                          2.   His ______ was becoming boring, so he decided
                                                             to continue with his studies.
                                                          3.   If  you  want  to  enter  the  teaching  ______,  you
                                                             need to get a teaching degree.
                                                          4.  She took a di erent  ______ when she gave up
           7. ____________________  8. _____________________  nursing and became a yoga teacher.

           73   Unit 12/ My Future Career
                                                                        Unit 12/ My Future Career  73
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