Page 72 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 72

                                                          2 Match the highlighted words/phrases in the
                                                             article with their meanings.
           Reading                                        1.  the route that you take through your working life
                                                          2.   people  of  the  same  age  or  same  social  status
           1 Discuss  the  questions.  Read  the  article    as you
              from a career guide website and check your   3.   non-stop
              answers.                                    4.   as another option
           1.   What is a job?                            5.   consider something carefully
           2.   What is a career?                         3 Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
           3.   How di erent are they?
                                                                                             T    F
                                                          1.  A career no longer means a single job.
                                                          2.  Your parents will be responsible for
                                                             your job or career.
                                                          3.  Before choosing a career, you have
                                                             to  get  all  necessary  education  and
                                                          4.  You can choose a job based on your
                                                             likes, your abilities and priorities.
                                                          5.  If you follow a vocational education,
             CHOOSING A CAREER:                           6.  It  is  advisable  to  get  advice  before
                                                             you learn speci c skills to do a job.
                THINK IT OVER!                               you decide on a future job.

                 career  used  to  be  understood  as  a  single   Speaking
                 occupati on  that  people  did  to  earn  a  living.
           AHowever,  in  the  changing  world  of  work,   4 Think about the skills and abilities to do the
           nowadays  people  have  to  keep  learning  and  be   jobs below. Work together to make notes.
           responsible for building their future. Therefore, a career   Likes  Personality traits  Abilities
           is  now  considered  more  than  a  job.  Rather,  it  is  an
           ongoing process of learning and development of skills   nurse ·  caring for others  strong, calm,   can handle
           and experience.                                        ·  teamwork   patient, caring  medical
           Choosing a career path is hard – you have to consider   ·   making a              matters
           many things. Firstly, you should consider what you like,   di erence in
           what is most important to you, what you are good at     people’s lives
           and  who  is  there  to  help  you.  For  example,  you  may
           care mostly about earning as much money as possible or   mechanic   business person   teacher  soldier  (other)
           you may want to experience job sati sfacti on, or make a
           diff erence to society. Then, you should take into account   5 Choose  one  job  from  4  and  present  your
           educati on and learning styles. You may want to follow an   group’s ideas.
           academic route of high school, then college or university.   Example:     We also think he or she
           Alternati vely, you may opt for vocati onal training where              shouldn’t be afraid of medical
           you learn skills which can be applied directly to a job.   We think a nurse is a   matters, like giving injections or
           Thirdly,  you  should  do  your  own  research  to  explore   person who likes to take care of   doing stitches.
                                                            other people and can work in
           possible  career  paths.  For  instance,  career  paths  in   a team.
           educati on  include  teaching,  curriculum  development,           Nurses also have to be
           research or administrati on. Finally, speak to people. Your    emotionally strong, since they see
           parents, your teachers, and even your peers can give you      some pretty sad and upsetting things
           good advice.                                                       through their work.

           78   Unit 12/ My Future Career
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