Page 68 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 68


           High tones                                     4  Listen  to  the  conversations  between  Jenny
                                                             and Tom. Notice how Tom uses the tones in
                                                             his  replies.  Then  practise  the  conversation
            1.  We  use  high  tones  for  adjectives  like   with a partner.
               excellent,  gorgeous,  brilliant,  superb,   1.  Jenny:   The new o  ce is pretty.
               absolutely  amazing,  etc.,  to  show  strong
               feelings. If we use weaker adjectives like      Tom:   Pretty? It’s amazing!
               nice, quite pleasant, quite pretty,  etc.,  our   2.   Jenny:   My new computer is OK.
               voice does not usually go high.               Tom:   OK? It’s fantastic!
               Example:                                   3.   Jenny:   The canteen is good.
               A:   So, how was your trip?                   Tom:   Good? It’s wonderful!
               B:   Excellent!
               A:   Good food?                                       4.  Jenny:   My colleagues are OK.
               B:   Quite pleasant.                                      Tom:    OK?  They  are  absolutely
            2.  When  people  use  excellent,  gorgeous,             5.   Jenny:   The working environment
               brilliant,  superb,  absolutely  amazing,  etc.,                is pleasant.
               with a  at voice, they mean the opposite.
                                                                        Tom:    Pleasant? It’s superb!
               Example:                                              6.   Jenny:    The  view  from  my  o  ce
               A:   The  ight is delayed again.                               is nice.
               B:   Brilliant.
                                                                        Tom:   Nice? It’s gorgeous!

           5 The responses to the pairs of sentences are the same but the speakers have opposite attitudes.
              Listen, draw arrows to show the tones, then repeat.


             a  · They o ered us Thai food.            b · We had some old slices of bread.
                   · Delicious.                              · Delicious.

              1a   ·  They have a new air-conditioner.    1b  ·  There’s going to be an electricity cut today.
                   · Brilliant.                            · Brilliant.

              2a   · I got the sack.                 2b    · I got a promotion again.
                   · Well done.                            · Well done.

              3a   · I got an A in the exam.         3b    · I failed the exam again.
                   · Excellent.                            · Excellent.

              4a   ·  Her application was turned down.  4b  ·  I’ve been o ered two jobs at the same time.
                   · Amazing.                              · Amazing.

              5a   ·  We’re having a company  holiday in   5b  ·  He has decided to cut down on our wages.
                    a luxury resort.                       · How awful.
                   · How awful.

                Unit 12/ My Future Career
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