Page 70 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 70

2 Circle  the  correct  words  or  phrases  in  bold.   5.    6.         7.         8.                       COMMUNICATION
              Sometimes both options are correct.
           1.  The man o ered to give/giving me the job.
           2.  She managed to pass/passing the exam for that
              top school.
           3.  The  students  discussed  to  choose/choosing  a
           4.  Did  your  teacher  mention  to  take/taking
              vocational courses?
           5.  The  company  refuses  to  employ/employing
              poorly quali ed applicants.
           6.  The teacher continued to talk/talking about job
              opportunities when the principal came in.   1.  Oh, no! I forgot ______ the door! (LOCK)
                                                          2.   … I don’t remember ______ you at the job fair
           3 Choose the correct answer(s).                   last year. (MEET)
           1.  The school is expected ______ good citizens for   3.   I’ve been trying ______ the employment o  ce,
              society.                                       but no one is answering! (CONTACT)
              A. to provide    B. provide   C. providing  4.   Did you remember ______ your CV? It’s the
           2.  The school headmaster promised ______ practical   deadline this morning. (SEND)
              study programmes to students.               5.   I will never forget ______ so hard to become an
                                                             architect. (WORK)
              A. to o er      B. o er    C. o ering    6.   Please, stop ______. The library is a quiet space.
           3.  The  company  admitted  ______  the  employee      (TALK)
              A. to dismiss    B. dismiss   C. dismissing  7.   Why don’t you try ______ your CV to the
                                                             company? They are looking for people like you.
           4.  She doesn’t mind ______ hard to reach her career   (POST)
              goals.                                      8.  She stopped reading ______ the phone. (ANSWER)
              A. work          B. to work   C. working
           5.  It may be too late to begin ______ vocational skills   5 Complete  each  second  sentence  using  the
              after you leave school.                        right form of the word given so that it has a
              A. to learn      B. learn    C. learning       similar  meaning  to  the   rst.  Write  between
                                                             two and  ve words.
           6.  Many  more  students  tend  ______  in  vocational
              schools than in senior secondary schools.   1.  The  boy   nally  succeeded  in  dealing   manage
              A. enrolling     B. to enrol   C. enrol        with his peers at the vocational school.
                                                          →  The  boy  ________  his  peers  at  the
           4 Complete  the  sentences  using  the  ideas     vocational school.
              in the pictures and the correct form of the   2.   She  tried  hard  to  cooperate  with  the
              verbs in brackets.                             others in the team to  nish the work.   attempt

                1.        2.         3.         4.        →  She ________ others in the team to  nish
                                                             the work.

                                                          3.   Although he made e orts in his work,   in spite of
                                                             he wasn’t promoted.
                                                          →  He wasn’t promoted ________ e orts.
                                                          4.   The  boss  said  he  didn’t  bully  the  new   deny
                                                          →  The boss ________ employee.
                                                          5.   Although the man was quali ed for the   Despite
                                                             job, he wasn’t accepted.
                                                          →  ________ for the job, he wasn’t accepted.

                Unit 12/ My Future Career
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