Page 71 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 71

COMMUNICATION                                      Extra vocabulary      make a bundle

                                                              can’t stand
                                                              burn the midnight oil

           1 The 4Teen website has launched a forum for teens to discuss their career paths. Read these posts
              and underline the reasons for their choices.

             Tu:      People tell me I can sing. So I’m going   Anh:      I’m going to be an architect because
                    to  enroll  in  a  school  for  performing     I  like  designing  and  engineering.  It’s
                    arts. I hope to become an opera singer!        a  meaningful  job.  Good  architecture
                            I’ll be famous, travel all over I’ll be famous, travel all over   can improve people’s
                            the world and meet different           lives.  My  mum  is  a
                            people. I’ll be able to make a people. I’ll be able to make a   successful  architect
                            bundle!                                and  it’s  good  that
                                                                   she  works  flexitime.
                                                                   I want to be like her.

             Duong:    I’m  planning  to  study  physics  at   Dzung:   I don’t know what to do in the future.
                     university. I’m always curious about          But I definitely won’t become a doctor.
                     how  and  why  the  natural  world            My sister’s studying medicine. She has to
                     works  the  way  it  does.  I’ll  become      burn the midnight oil,
                               a physicist so that I can           studying at university
                               find  answers  to  my  own          and  working  at  the
                               questions   about   the             hospital.  I  couldn’t
                               world.                              stand that.

           2   Read the posts again. In groups, discuss and decide   3 a  Work  in  pairs.  Tell  your  partner
              whose reasons for choosing/not choosing the job you     about a job you want/don’t want
              agree with and whose you disagree with. Say why.        to do in the future. Remember to
              You can start with the phases below:                    say why or why not.

                                                                    I’m  artistic.  I  want  to  become  a  fashion
            Agreeing with an      Disagreeing with an               designer because I like fashion and I think
            opinion               opinion                           it’s a creative job.

            ·   I agree with Anh’s   ·   I can’t agree with Tu’s
              reasons for studying   reason for becoming a
              architecture          singer because…
              because…            ·   He may be right, but…
            ·   She’s (absolutely)   ·   That’s not entirely true.
              right.              ·   I’m sorry to disagree with
            ·   Yes, I (totally) agree.  him, but…
            ·   I think so too.   ·   Yes, but don’t you think…
            ·   Exactly.  That’s true.  ·   I’m not so sure about that.  b Report your decisions to another pair
            ·   That’s a good point.                                or to the class.

           77   Unit 12/ My Future Career                               Unit 12/ My Future Career  77
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