Page 73 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 73


                                                           4 Work  in  pairs.  Choose  a  job  that  you  like.
            1 Work  in  pairs  and  answer  the  questions    Discuss  which  three  qualities  would  be
               below.                                         necessary for people doing that job. You can
                                                              use  some  of  the  ideas  below.  Remember  to
            1.  What job do you want to do in the future?     give reasons.
            2.  What  qualities  do  you  think  you  need  to  do
               that job?
                                                              empathetic   calm     patient   dynamic
            2 Phong is talking to Mrs. Warner, Nick’s mother,   technical   logical   creative  skillful
               about future jobs he and his friends want to   professional  hard-working     adaptable
               do. Listen to the conversation and  ll in the
               blanks with no more than THREE words.          Example:
                                                              To be a business person, you have to be adaptable
                   What job do you want                       so that you can respond quickly to changes.
                    to do in the future?
                                                                       To be a business
                                                                     person,  you  have
                                                                          to be ...

            1.  Phong’s mother has ______ to do behind the scenes.
            2.   Phong’s mother has to ______ without extra pay.
            3.   It is ______ for teachers when their students are
            4.   Trang is a ______ girl.
            5.   Nick prefers to acquire some ______.      5 Based  on  your  discussion  in  4,  write  a
            6.   Nick is ______ hands.                        paragraph  about  the  three  most  important
                                                              qualities a person needs to be able to do a job
            3  Listen  again  and  decide  if  the  following   well. Remember to give reasons and examples
               statements are true (T) or false (F).          to support your opinion.

                                                T   F
             1.  As  a  teacher,  Phong’s  mother  has
                to  prepare  new  lessons,  do  the
                marking, give feedback.
             2.   Phong prefers to do a nine-to- ve job.
             3.   Trang likes travelling.
             4.   Trang will become a tour guide.
             5.   Nick  likes  to  focus  on  academic
             6.   A mechanic needs many skills to do
                the job well.

           79   Unit 12/ My Future Career                                Unit 12/ My Future Career  79
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