Page 78 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 78


           1 a  Read the text and match the headings with the correct paragraphs.

              A.  Initial quali cations              C.  Introduction

              B.  On-the-job duties                   D.  Further training

            1    I  never  had  any  idea              3 3  Astronauts  are  required  to
                 a a a
                 about how much training bout how much training bout how much training bout how much training
                                                            complete  a  special  training
                 NASA’s  astronauts  need ASA’s  astronauts  need ASA’s  astronauts  need
                 N N
                 u u                                        programme,  which  normally
                 until  I  read  a  magazine ntil  I  read  a  magazine ntil  I  read  a  magazine
                                                            lasts for two years, before they
                 which  described  their
                 which  described  their hich  described  their
                 w                                          are  allowed  to   y  into  space.
                 job  requirements  and ob  requirements  and
                 job  requirements  and                     During the  rst  ight, they must
                 duties.                                     y  with  astronauts  who  are
                                                            extremely experienced in  ying
                                                            jet aircraft.
            2    The astronauts need to have an advanced   4  While  they  are  in  space,  they
                                                            have  to  be  prepared  to  make
                 degree  from  a  prestigious  institution  in
                 engineering, biological science, physical   repairs  to  their  spacecraft  or
                 science, or mathematics. They also have    space  station,  which  is  not  an
                                                            easy  task.  Exterior repairs, which
                 to pass a physical                         involve  leaving  the  interior  in  a
                 test which is as                           special  suit  and  spacewalking
                 rigorous  as  a                            to  troubled  areas,  can  be  very
                 military one.                              hard.  Astronauts  also  have  to
                                                            do  scienti c  research  in  space.
                                                            They  do  experiments  together
                                                            with Earth-based scientists, who
                                                            consult with them on how to deal
                                                            with  the  challenges  of  research
                                                            in space.

           b  Read the text again and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

                                                                                         T       F

            1.  NASA's astronauts are well-quali ed people.
            2.  NASA doesn't have any special physical requirements.

            3.  Astronauts are allowed to  y on their own after two years of special training.

            4.  Astronauts and scientists move together to troubled areas to make repairs.

            5.  Astronauts  consult  with  Earth-based  scientists  on  how  to  deal  with  challenges
                during space research.

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