Page 74 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 74


                                             3  Fill each blank with one suitable word/phrase from the box.
                                                Remember  to  change  the  form  of  the  word/phrase  where
           Vocabulary                           necessary.

           1  Match  each  job  with  its        academic subjects   make a bundle    dynamic
              description.                       empathetic         professional      vocational
                                                 take into account   burn the midnight oil
            1  business   A  a scientist who
               person        studies biology
                                             1.  Students need some ______ skills before they enter the world of
            2   customer   B  a person who brings   work.
               service sta             out new clothing   2.   She’s a/an ______ businesswoman. She has so much energy and
            3   tour guide  C  a person who works   3.   He is such a/an ______ nurse that the patients love him.
                             in the business world
                                             4.   I feel we have too many ______ and not enough time for physical
            4   architect  D  a person who deals   education.
                             with customers   5.   I ______ the pay and the working conditions before I decided to
                             before, during, and   take the job.
                             after a sale
                                             6.   He has become a ______ footballer for the local football team.
            5  biologist  E  a person who    7.   He has ______ for a long time so it’s fair if he gets an A for his  nal
                             introduces cultures   exam.
                             and customs of
                             places to visitors  8.   He’s a professional singer. With his beautiful voice, he could ______.
            6   fashion   F  a person who    Grammar                                                                       PROJECT
               designer      designs buildings
                                             4  Complete the sentences using the correct form (V-ing form or
                                                to-in nitive) of the verb in brackets.
           2  Match fragments 1-8 with
              fragments A-H to make sentences.  1.  He forgot ______ (lock) the door so he lost his laptop.
                                             2.   I tried ______ (work) in a garage but I found it was unsuitable.
            1  She did various   A a course in design.
               jobs to earn ...              3.   The boss denied ______ (treat) him badly.

            2   Because he does  B the job for some   4.   The employees expected ______ (get) a pay rise.
               a ...          extra income.  5.   The manager encouraged her sta  ______ ( nish) the project soon.
            3   I prefer to work   C overtime for a   6.   The  interviewer  remembered  ______  (read)  the  interviewee’s
               ...            month now.        CV before.
            4   My friend is   D money but also   5  Correct the italicised phrases where necessary.
               doing ...      gain satisfaction.
                                                I have always wanted to work in a big city where I thought I could
            5  Doing a job well  E nine-to- ve job,
               means you will   he has the whole   make a bundle. It’s not easy for anyone to get a good job there
               not just earn ...   evening with the   without  trying  (1)  working  hard  right  from  secondary  school.
                              kids.             Thus, I (2) promised myself to make the most of my school time.
            6   Although the   F  exitime because I   Despite  (3)  to  be  an  outgoing  boy,  I  (4)  refused  to  attend  any
               pay is low, he   am more e  cient   parties or picnics. I didn’t (5) mind to burn the midnight oil before
               agreed to take ...  in the afternoon.  the exams and I (6) managed getting As for most of my school
            7   He is exhausted  G the job to gain   subjects. Finally, I was (7) admitted to study in a medical university
               because he's   experience.       in a big city. After graduating, I accepted an (8) o er working in
               been working ...                 the university. Despite (9) prefer working as a doctor in a famous
            8   He decided to   H  a living and to   hospital,  I  agreed  (10)  to  take  the  job  and  I  grew  to  love  it.
               take ...       support her       Now  I  realise  that  it  is  the  love  for  the  job  that  matters  more
                              mother.           than money.

                Unit 12/ My Future Career
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