Page 79 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 79

Speaking                                       Writing

           2 Choose a dream job you would like to do.     4  Over  time,  the  popularity  of  di erent
              Say why you dream of doing the job.            jobs may change. In your opinion, what
                                                             job will be the most popular in the next
                                                             10 years?
                                                             Write  a  paragraph  of  about  120  words
                                                             to  express  your  opinion.  Remember  to
                                                             discuss why you think so.

             an astronaut

               a government

              a doctor


           3 a  Listen to the interview and answer the

           1.  What job does Jane want to apply for?
           2.   How long is the trial period?

           b  Listen again and complete the sentences.
           1.  Jane says in her CV that she is a ______ person.
           2.   She is con dent ______ di erent kinds of people.
           3.   She has a good ______.
           4.   She  has  some  ______  as  a  receptionist  in  a
           5.   She is willing to work ______.

           85  REVIEW 4
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