Page 76 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 76

REVIEW 4 (UNITS 10 - 11 - 12)


                                                          2 Draw  arrows  to  illustrate  the  feelings  and
           1 Draw rising or falling arrows to illustrate     opinions of A and B. Then listen and repeat
              the correct tones, then listen and practise    the  conversation,  paying  attention  to  the
              saying the sentences.                          tones.
           A:    What do the astronauts do while they are aboard   A:    In the near future, we will mostly learn online.
              the ISS?                                    B:  Incredible! But we will still have actual classrooms,
           B:  They keep the station in good condition, and do   won’t we?
              science experiments.                        A:  Sure. But teachers will no longer be knowledge
           A:  Sounds hard!                                  providers.
           B:  Not at all!                                B:  Really?
           A:  They don’t have ‘weekends’?                A:  They will be guides, or facilitators.
           B:  They do.                                   B:  Superb! What about the students’ roles?
           A:  What do they do during their ‘weekends’?   A:  They’ll be more responsible for their own learning,
           B:  They  do  various  things  like  watching  movies,   I think.
              playing  music,  reading  books,  and  talking  to   B:  Amazing! And they will make their own decisions?
              their families.                             A:  Absolutely right!


           3 Change the form of the verbs provided to complete the sentences.

           1.  In the future, teachers will be ______ rather than knowledge providers.    FACILITATE

           2.   With rapid scienti c ______, people will soon be able to inhabit other planets.   DEVELOP

           3.  To become a skilled repairman, you need some special vocational ______.   TRAIN

           4.   This morning’s ______ of the space shuttle has been delayed.           LAUNCH

           5.   He had been an ______ salesman before he decided to set up his own business.    EXPERIENCE

           6.   We  will  be  responsible  for  our  studies,  so  our  teacher  won’t  have  to  check   ATTEND

           7.  In our vocational training course, students will be the ______ of their own work.   EVALUATE

           8.   There were over one hundred ______ at the forum.                    PARTICIPATE

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