Page 69 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 69


           Grammar                                                       Despite/In  spite  of  is  used  to

           Despite/In spite of: review                                   express  contrast  between
                                                                         two  pieces  of  information  in
           1  Complete each second sentence so that it has a similar meaning   the  same  sentence.  We  use
              to the  rst. Write no more than THREE words.              despite/in  spite  of  before  a
           1.  Although she loves maths, she has decided to become an English   noun,  a  noun  phrase  or  -ing
              teacher.                                                   form.
              In spite of ______, she has decided to become an English teacher.  Example:
           2.   He studied hard, but he didn’t pass the exam.              ·  Despite  the  low  wage,  he
              Despite ______, he didn’t pass the exam.                      agreed  to  take  the  job.
                                                                            [noun/noun phrase]
           3.   Even though he is lazy, he was given the job.              ·  In spite of  being  o ered  a
              Despite his ______, he was given the job.                     low wage, he took the job.
           4.   Although he is short, he has been accepted into the volleyball team.  [-ing form]
              Despite ______, he has been accepted into the volleyball team.
           5.   Even though she has poor health, she works twelve hours a day.
              In spite of her ______, she works twelve hours a day.
           Verb + to-in nitive/Verb + V-ing        Nhi:       My dad is encouraging me to choose biology,
           Read  part  of  the  conversation  from           chemistry, and physics.
           GETTING  STARTED.  Pay  attention  to    Veronica :   Wow! To become a doctor?
           the underlined part.                     Nhi:       Yeah, we’ve discussed becoming a doctor, but I
                                                             may also become a biologist.

              1.  Verb + to-in nitive: Some verbs are usually followed by the full in nitive. These verbs include agree,
                expect, manage, pretend, tend, promise, attempt, o er, refuse…
                     Example:    I expect to get a good job in the future.
              2.   Verb + V-ing form: Some verbs are usually followed by the V-ing form. These verbs are  nish, stop,
                admit, deny, avoid, discuss, keep, mention, mind…
                 Example:    He doesn’t mind working hard to earn more money.
              3.   There are verbs that can be used with either to-in nitive or V-ing form without a change in meaning.
                These verbs are begin, start, continue …
                 Example:    She began working/to work in our o  ce last month.
              4.   There are verbs that can be used with either to-in nitive or V-ing form but there is a change in
                meaning. They are as follows:

                                            V-ing                            to-in nitive
                 remember  Have a memory of doing sth             Do sth you have to do
                           Do you remember doing that part-time job?  Did you remember to ask your boss for the day o ?
                 forget    Not remember a past event              Not remember sth you have to do
                           I forgot reading the job ads yesterday.  Don’t forget to send your application on time.
                 try       Do sth to discover its qualities or e ects  Make an e ort to do sth
                           He isn’t in the o  ce. Try phoning his home number.  I tried to get the job, but I failed.
                 stop      Stop an action                         Interrupt an action to do sth else
                           She stopped complaining when she was given a promotion.  I stopped (my study) to look for a job.

           75   Unit 12/ My Future Career
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