Page 66 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2_Neat 1 (2)
P. 66

a  Put a word/phrase from the box under each   c  Tick ( ) true (T),  false (F), or
              picture.                                       not given (NG).              T   F  NG

                                                           1.    Veronica is going to take a vocational GCSE
              housekeeper             tour guide           2.    Nhi knows what a vocational GCSE is.
              lodging manager         event planner
              customer service sta    biologist           3.     Veronica  will  not  have  to  study  academic
                                                             subjects any more.
                                                           4.    Veronica is going to become a tour guide.
                                                           5.     Nhi’s father wants her to study the sciences.
                                                           6.    Nhi has decided to become a doctor.

                                                          2 a  Look  at  the  phrases  and  cross  out  any
                                                               noun/noun  phrase  that  doesn’t  go  with
                                                               the verb.
                                                             1.   earn            2.   do
           1. ______________________  2. ______________________  a living           leisure time
                                                                money               a nine-to- ve job
                                                                a job               a course
                                                             3.   work            4.   take
                                                                overtime            a course
                                                                a job                    a job
                                                                 exitime           a living

                                                          b  Complete  each  of  the  following  sentences
                                                             with a collocation in 2a. Note that one is not
           3. ______________________  4. ______________________  used. You may have to change the forms of
                                                             the collocations to  t the sentences.
                                                          1.   He  decided  to  ______  an  English  ______  before
                                                             going to work in America.
                                                          2.   I’m ______. I work my eight hours and I don’t have
                                                             to work overtime.
                                                          3.   I prefer to ______. That allows me time to take my
                                                             children to school.
                                                          4.   She  ______  by  selling  vegetables  in  the  village
           5. ______________________  6. ______________________  market.
                                                          5.   She ______ in cooking before taking the post as a
                                                             chef in the restaurant.
           b  Find a word/phrase in the conversation that   6.  Most people in my company are su ering from
                                                             stress because they are asked to ______.
           1.   a secondary school quali cation that UK    3  GAME: WHAT’S MY JOB?
              students generally take at the age of sixteen
           2.   subjects connected with the skills and      In groups, take turns to think of a job. The
              knowledge to do a job                          others can ask Yes/No questions to  nd out
                                                             what that job is.
           3.  subjects  which  focus  on  theory  including   Example:
              mathematics, literature, science, etc.
                                                             A:   Do you work in an o  ce?
           4.  a practical method                            B:   No.
           5.  the  business  of  providing  services  for  people   C:   Do you look after people?
              on holiday                                     B:   Yes.
           6.   the time when you are not at work or school  D:    Do you have a university degree? …

                Unit 12/ My Future Career
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