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        Unit                               MY FUTURE CAREER


           What subjects will you choose?

              1  Listen and read.
              Veronica:   ... I’ve been choosing my school subjects   Veronica:   Leisure and Tourism.
                       for  next  year.  I’ve  decided  to  take  a   Nhi:        So, what job opportunities are there
                       vocational  GCSE*  along  with  some               in tourism?
                       traditional academic subjects.           Veronica:   A lot .  You can work as a housekeeper,
              Nhi:      A vocational GCSE? What’s that?                   receptionist,  tour  guide,  lodging
              Veronica:   Well, GCSEs are secondary certi cates of       manager, chef, or event planner. You
                       education which are studied by students            can also work in customer service…
                       aged  between  14  to  16.  In  vocational   Nhi:        Sounds  interesting!  What  if  you
                       subjects, students can study a work sector         change your mind later?
                       like  applied  business,  design,  health,  or   Veronica:   No  worries.  I  can  still  progress  to
                                                                          further  education  to  take  A  levels*.
              Nhi:        Isn’t it hard to study both academic and        With A levels, I can go to college or
                       vocational subjects at the same time? And          university. What about you?
                       isn’t  it  too  soon  to  be  doing  vocational   Nhi:        My dad is encouraging me to choose
                                                                          biology, chemistry, and physics.
              Veronica:    Well, no… they o er an applied approach   Veronica:   Wow! To become a doctor?
                       to learning so it’s not too di  cult or too
                       soon. I think it adds variety.           Nhi:        Yeah,  we’ve  discussed  becoming
                                                                          a  doctor,  but  I  may  also  become  a
              Nhi:     Oh, I see! What area are you interested in?                      * GCSE: General Certi cate of Secondary Educationeneral Certi cate of Secondary Education
                                                                                        * GCSE: G
                                                                          biologist.    * A level: advanced level.
                                                                                        * A level: advanced level.
                                                                          * GCSE (UK): General Certi cate of Secondary Education
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