Page 41 - Final Report - KAUSC Team
P. 41


2.5.3 Risks

Any event, which may adversely affect the ability of the solution to produce the required
deliverables. That was the definition of the Risks. The table below shows the risks that may
affect this option.

Table 30 Risk of option 1

Description Likelihood Impact©                 Mitigating Actions

Roll over action             Medium  Very      Train the driver to control the car in

                                     High extreme situations (ex. Windy day..etc.)

     Different               Medium  High       Training the team for emergencies.
  environment                Medium
    conditions                       High      Emergency circuit for monitoring the
                                                        batteries to stop them
High temperature                     Very
   of batteries                      High      Outsource project to a company with
                                                  proven industry experience and
Inability to recruit         Low                      appropriately skilled staff
 skilled resource

2.5.4 Issues

Any event, which currently adversely affects the ability of the solution to produce the
required deliverables. That was the definition of issue. The table shows issues that are more
likely to happen.

Table 31 Issues of option 1

Description©                         Priority                 Resolution Actions

No workshops to manufacturing the    High                     Self-manufacturing
                   car                         Change the material that is available in local

No material available                Medium                          market
                                                                 Lend money.
Financial lack                       Low

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