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Wynnum High and Intermediate School                   Page 51

                                   FORM 2F
                               Form Teacher : Mr. Kingsbury.
                             Boys’ Form Captain : David Ament.
                             Girls’ Form Captain : Valerie Harris.
                      The blind have seen us,
                      The deaf have heard thus,
                      That Form 2F, who, all told
                      And very firmly set in gold;
                      Have the honour of all the classes.
                      To have the children with (or without) passes.
                      Have some with 90% or more,
                      And others, very far from poor.
               It was a few weeks after the school holidays that our class was
           established, and apparently from the best children.
               We have Ron, Ian, David and Keith representing some Houses in
           cricket, Carol and Allen are our star tennis players, Trevor is repre
           senting 1/llth of the Queensland Rugby Team, while Marian is a fine
               Bill, Colin and Paul play an excellent game on the soccer field, while
           Jennifer plays with a good hand at ball games.
               Our village idiot is Ian, who plays the most up-to-date pranks. He
           is usually let off because he really cannot help it, poor fellow.
               Doug is our real etymologist, who is a bit boring to listen to some
           times (all times).
               We have six musical students learning instruments ranging from
           bagpipes to violins, a very reputable group of brilliant children, a fine
           asset to the community.
               We all respect and appreciate our teacher, Mr. Kingsbury, for the
           help and extra help he has given us.
               Our top boy and girl in the class who really need to be mentioned
           for their hard study throughout the year are Ian and Valerie, a very
           brainy pair.
               Form 2F now wishes all the coming scholarship candidates the best
           of luck in their scholarship year, and a Merry Christmas to all who have

                          My Homeland—Australia
                      There is a land of stately trees,
                      Of forest flowers and humming bees,
                      Of bright, blue skies and sparkling sands,
                      And woolly sheep on pastured lands.
                      A land of freedom and of mirth,
                      This land, the dear land of my birth;
                      A land where all feel free to roam.
                      Yet still feel safe though far from home.
                      A place of wheat-fields, rich and gold,
                      Of wondrous beauties to behold;
                      All parts are very dear to me—
                      The mountains, skies, the earth, and sea.
                      I thank Thee God for this great land,
                      Created by Thine own, strong hand.
                      Guard it from evils such as war
                      So peace may reign forever more.
                                                 PHYLLIS HARGREAVES.
                                                               Form 1A.
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