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Page 46                          Wynnum High and Intel-mediate School
                                    FORM 4D
                    Although we are a tiny class,
                    We aim at big ideals,
                    Whenever you see us 4D girls,
                    We’re making big high deals.
                    If Jean Khan do all the cooking.
                    And Adele Burnes all the cakes,
                    We’ll have to pick on Stella
                    To be the Bunney that samples the fakes !
                    If Wendy’s a Dart at sewing
                    She’ll never miss the eye,
                    But Sylvia is rather Down in the mouth
                    She’ll always miss, that’s why.
                    If Margaret with her Mallett 4Dfies her desk,
                    She’ll still need Judith Curtis to help her in the battles,
                    When the 4C girl comes raiding, raiding, raiding,
                    Looking for her chattels.
                    So you can see, as well as we,
                    That this is just plain rubbish,
                    So go to bed and sleep it off.
                    You’ll be all right in the morning.

                                What better Reward for a
                                successful Student than a

                                MASSEY BICYCLE
                                Available for CASH or TERMS at—

                                     Bill Cafferky’s

                                       SPORTS DEPOT
                                BAY TERRACE, WYNNUM CENTRAL.
                                     TENNIS RACQUETS, REPAIRS
                                & RESTRINGING.
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