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Page 42                          Wynnum High and Intel-mediate School
               DAVID INGRIM : F.S.—A-r-r-h. C.—Bears resemblance to John.
           Has no appendix. Cricket mania—wicked keeper. Has many late
           nights (studying, of course). A.—To stay at school. A.C.—Has half an
           inch on John.
               JOHN INGRAM : F.S.—A-r-r-r-h. C.—Bears resemblance to
           David. Cricket fanatic—blocks some balls. Believes in keeping averages
           down. A.—To grow as tall as David. A.C.—Has retained his appendix.
               GRAHAM MAYNARD : F.S.—Baloney. C.—Ruins his father’s
           Velo-cette in his spare time. Tells questionable “jokes” to Mr. O’Mara
           in Chemistry. A firm supporter of the “Western Church". A.—To get
           a senior pass that will be easy to c. A.C.—Has got a licence without
           bribing the cops.
               CYRIL MITCHELL : F.S.—Eh ? Whassat ? C.—Careers round
           the country-side on or in a number of disreputable contraptions. Pro
           fessed woman hater ? A.—To win an argument with Peter. A.C.—
           Monopolises Latin class.
               PETER MONKS : F.S.—You reckon, eh ? C.—Practises the goose
           step at every suitable and unsuitable opportunity. Drives his father’s
           car at a steady 25 (m.p.g., i.e.). A.—To win an argument with Cyril.
           A.C.—Has found an interest in Commercial art.
               STUART NAPIER : F.S.—Silly a-a-ass. C.—Spouts Shakespeare
           with tragic results. Corresponds with a harem of blue-eyed blondes.
           A.—To have the girls’ choir sing “Kiss Me Goodnight, Sergeant-major.”
           A.C.—Has lived by his wit—how lean and hungry he looks. ’
               JOHN TENDYS : F.S.—Shut up, Denis, and stay that way ! C.—
           Hit tune fan. School genie (us). Does disappearing act when work’s
           to be done. Studies Science Fiction. A.—To get a-head. A.C.—An
           ambitious photographer who appreciates the natural beauties of Birk-
               DENIS WHITTY : F.S.—Goodness, gracious. C.—Writes short
           exam, papers and draws caricatures of teachers to fill in time. Whispers
           loudly in school. Specialises in imitation of teacher’s laughter. A.—To
           pass in Chemistry. A.C.—Has become known as “Denis the Menace”.
               DAVID YOUNG : F.S.—Censored. C.—Censored. A.—Censored.

                            FORM FAREWELLS
                                  FORM SIX DEITIES.
               You may have wondered who the “Upper Crust” of the Wynnum
           High School are. To enlighten you on this subject here is the latest
           oracle from Mount Olympus (Room 3, Part 1), where the Sixth Form
           deities live. This celestial abode must not be mistaken for Hades (Room
           3; Part 11) where one finds the harpies, gorgons, satyrs, etc., of Form V.
               Goddesses first, and so we introduce Marjorie “Minerva" Brown. She
           is the goddess of wisdom, of war and of art—has just learnt to speak
           and can now play "chopsticks” on the piano. Next we come to Liga
           Mezmalis, or “Diana," the huntress and moon goddess. It would be
           too personal to say what she hunts for. The last of the ladies is Bette
           “Pandora” Poynton who is too engrossed in her reading to notice any
           of the Troubles of the School (viz. Forms I. to V.).
               We continue our list of celebrities with Alan “Neptune" Gray, old
           man of the sea. who wastes his time fishing. He fishes with a three
           pronged cricket bat, from his boat the “Argo” and catches naught.
           Graham “Bacchus” Maynard, whose motto is—“eat, drink and be merry,
           for tomorrow never comes”—thrives on ambrosia and nectar. In be
           tween meals he works up an appetite for the next. One of our great
           heroes is John “Jason” Tendys who wears a Golden Fleece on his head.
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