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Page 36                          Wynnum High and Intel-mediate School
            it was plain cruel. Past Manly School the leaders hurried up and the tail
           enders slowed down, summoning every last scrap of energy and oxygen
           for that last heroic sprint past their admiring females.
               At the finish, the girls as usual counted the incoming "Miserables”.
               Ralph Railings again came in winner, breaking his own record by
           seconds. Congratulations, Ralph, on a good run. Again Wentworth
           provided first, second and third. The final scores were Wentworth 22
           points, Lilley 22 points and Griffith 16 points.
               After a brief rest the exhausted runners proceeded wearily home
           ward with a whole year until the next ordeal.
                                                         SECOND ATTEMPT.

               The Annual District Sports were held at Kitchener Park on 7th
           September. The children from this school were very successful and
           five District Championship Cups were won by the following :—
               Girls : H. Keating, 14 years, 75 yards; L. Hillier, 13 years, 75
           yards; E. Phillips, 12 years, 60 yards.
               Boys : M. Kelly, 13 years, 100 yards; P. Martin, 12 years, 75 yards.
               Other successes gained were : Girls, 14 years, 75 yards : H.
           Keating 1, P. Baker 2, N. Butler 3; 13 years, 75 yards : L. Hillier 1,
           L. Jibbs 2, L. Luff 3; 12 years, 60 yards : E. Phillips 1, J. Briscoe 3;
           senior skip, L. Hillier 1, H. Keating 2, N. Butler 3; intermediate skip,
           E. Phillips 1, D. Hale 3.
               Boys : 14 years, 100 yards, L. Sterika 2, A. Apps 3; 13 years,
           100 yards, M. Kelly 1, T. Mischlewski 2, G. Pearson 3; 12 years. 75
           yards, P. Martin 2; senior high jump, A. Hill 1, R. Close 2; senior broad
           jump, T. Mischlewski 1, A. Apps 2.
               The sports came to an exciting finish when the two girls’ teams
           and the two boys’ teams won the Tunnel Ball events.
               The winners of the individual events became the representatives of
           the district at the Queensland Primary Schools’ Championships held at
           the Exhibition on October 5. Our congratulations go to the girls who all
           gained places in the heats and to L. Hillier for second place in the
           Senior Skipping, to H. Keating, E. Phillips, J. Briscoe, L. Gibbs and D.
           Hale who helped to gain second place in the Junior Relay and third
           place in the All Age Relay. The Wynnum District was placed fourth
           in the competition for forty-three country districts.

                     CADET PASSING-OUT PARADE
               Culmination of the year’s Cadet Training was the Passing-Out
           Parade held on the Oval on October 11. A large gathering of parents
           and students witnessed the review in drizzling rain. Major Cochrane,
           P.S.C., D.A.A.G., Northern Command, complimented the unit on its ex
           cellent drill. Marist Brothers’ Ashgrove Cadet Band provided the music.
           No. 1 Platoon was awarded the H. Cafferky Shield for efficiency and
           W./O. S. Napier was awarded a swagger-cane for his excellent services
           as C.S.M. Domestic Science girls baked a magnificent Passing-Out cake
           which was consumed at the Buffet Afternoon Tea for all ranks, prepared
           by the Form V girls. General consensus of opinion: A really good
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