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Wynnum High and Intermediate School                   Page 35
            was recorded. We hope that the high standard will be maintained at
           this year’s meeting.
               Finally our heartiest thanks must go to Mr. Hazell and Mr. Rich,
           who gave up their leisure and rendered invaluable assistance <n helping
           us to prepare for our respective events.
                                   GIRLS’ EVENTS.
               This year our Girls’ Athletic Team once more accomplished the
           amazing feat of winning the Grade 1 (Tritton) Cup, although classed
           as only a Grade 2 school. The competition provided by the other schools
           was very keen but not sufficiently so to take the cup from us.
               Many of our fine performances were crowned by breaking records,
           the first one being created by the Under 15 years Tunnel and Zig-zag
           Pass team when they clipped three seconds off the record in a fast 67.4
               The next record came not long after when Jill Paterson won the
           75 yards skipping race, 16 years and over, to equal the existing record
           of 9.6 seconds. She also won the 75 yards flat race.
               The under 15 years File Gap Pass team shattered another record,
           giving an outstanding performance to come first in 39.5 seconds. The
           former record was 42.6 seconds.
               Marjorie Lee was well placed throughout the day, coming second
           in the final of the 75 yards skipping, third in the 100 yards dash and
           fourth in the 75 yards, under 15 years.
               The under 15 years relay team came second in both heat and final.
           The 16 years and over team came third. Both age-group teams were
           placed in the Tunnel Ball, the under 15 years coming third and the
           over 15 team coming second.
               Final placings : Wynnum High School 1, Commercial High School
           2, Cavendish Road High School 3, Brisbane State High School 4.

                    THE ANNUAL CROSS COUNTRY
               With the music of the previous night’s ball still ringing in their ears
           numerous unfortunates tumbled out from the second last class in
           readiness for the Annual Cross Country. These were the boys who
           lacked the ingenuity to fabricate an excuse without loopholes.
               The competitors stood around attired in shorts, singlet and running
           shoes, embarrassed by the presence of most unsympathetic girls. The
           more enthusiastic boys reeked of liniment and kneaded already loose
               With a startling suddenness the race began and the runners trundled
           up Peel Street industriously conserving energy and incredulously con
           templating the steepness of the grade. After skipping down Whites
           Road the field began to spread out. Randall Road was easily negotiated
           by the agile but the stragglers found it a little difficult.
               The bush track was regarded as somewhat of a goal and the
           leaders plunged into its verdant greenness. Emerging from the bush
           track the Marathoneers ploughed through loose sand in front of the
           pound and then on to the stoney road, which caused many a stumble,
           that led down to the hard, smooth dirt road past Lota School.
               On attaining the jarring surface of the bitumen many an eye glazed
           with fatigue recognised Mr. Cox’s Morris on patrol in order that no boy
           commit the folly of taking a short-cut. The bitumen provided a brief
           respite until the flagging throng reached the tortuous grade of the road
           running parallel with the railway line.
               By now the field was spread over a mile or more and the panting
           leaders found the steepness tough, but to the exhausted stragglers
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