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Wynnum High and Intermediate School                   Page 41

               All characters fictitious. Any reference to any living person is
           purely intentional.
               MARJORIE BROWN : Favourite saying—Listen here, boy !
           Characteristics—Keeps girls porch tidy when she’s not there. Studies
           art of speech but never uses knowledge. Does hard work when teachers
           are looking. Ambition—To speak in class. Achievement—Still has
               LIGA MEZMALIS : F.S.—Haven't heard one saying let alone a
           favourite one. C—Oldest inhabitant of the class. Has leader-ball
           troubles. Man-hater, as far as is known. A—To leave school next
           year. AC—Has been known to utter a word.
               BETTE POINTON : F.S.—Inaudible. C.—Comes to school occasion
           ally. Writes novel exam, papers. Is a Rocky product. A.—To grow
           to five feet. A.C.—Has been seen without a book.
                                   VOCAL SECTION.
               MURRAY COOPER : F.S.—What rot ! C.—Catches fish occasion
           ally. Goes touring down the South Coast but never catches anything
           (fish or otherwise). A.—To catch the otherwise. A.C.—Has become
           known as Cooperal Corper.
               GLYNN EDWARDS : F.S.—Fair dinkum ? C.—Rides gaudy bikes
           with breaks but without brakes. Believes in daily milk at 11 o’clock.
           Supports Zephyrs but can’t af-Ford one yet. A.—To be a rake. A.C.—
           Has studied art (not Commercial).
               ALAN EVANS : F.S.—Follow now laddie ? C.—Has a bumper
           time in a Holden. Staunch advocate for co-education. Takes an interest
           in Sub-senior’s activities. A.—To learn to drive one handed. A.C.—
           One Vanguard.
               ALAN GRAY : F.S.—That’s stupid ! C.—Fishes like a drunk and
           drinks bath water (it intoxicates him). Build helps him to be a good
           all rounder at cricket. A.—To be “ducks” of the school.
               JAMES GRAY : F.S.—Very confusing. C.—Has split second
           timing. Miss Pigram’s favourite problem child. Never finishes exam.
           papers. Gives good commands at Cadets. A.—To get to school on time.
           A.C.—Plays good tennis.
               DONALD HAY : F.S.—Blast !—er, excuse my French. C.—Science
           fiction fan. Speaks several languages, e.g. French. Writes love letters
           to numerous females in different parts of the globe. A.—To travel. A.C.
           —Has received a proposal from one of his correspondents.
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