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Page 32                          Wynnum High and Intel-mediate School
           Moreton Bay. The first two proved victorious over us, but with
           Moreton Bay the “A” drew and the “B” won.
               This year we still had several of last year’s players with some new
           Sub-Juniors. We welcomed back an old player, Doreen Curtis, who has
           been at boarding school in Warwick.
               “A” team : Grace Anderson, Corrie Meyer, Doreen Curtis, Annette
           Curtis, Margaret Bowkett, Jill Paterson (capt.).
               “B” team : Lee Buzacott, Pat Nalder, Margaret Ridway, Judith
           Curtis, Judith Cafferky, Rita Morton, Lionne Griffin, Ruth Clarke
               We all thank Miss Nixon for the time and support she has given us.
               Inter-form matches were played each Friday afternoon, there being
           “A" and “B” teams in each form. This year we were asked to send
           four outstanding players for trial in the school’s interstate team. Those
           selected to represent Wynnum Intermediate were : Noela Ellis, Penny
           Baker, Merle Cook, Marion Worthington.

               On Wednesday, August 1, Wynnum High and Intermediate School
           held their annual Inter-House Sports. The day began in an abundance
           of sunshine. The skies were cloudless and the weather could not have
           been more perfect. Morrie Rich, holder of the Queensland resident Hop-
           Step-and-Jump record, and one of Queensland’s Olympic hopes, gave the
           pupils a demonstration of how a hop-step-and-jump looks when it is
           done properly.
               He gave his demonstration at the conclusion of the Hop-Step-and-
           Jump Event in which a new Senior record was set by Selwyn Loynes, of
           Griffith House. The distance now stands at 39ft. 10in., 2 inches better
           than the former record.
               Throughout the day, a total of sixteen records were broken, eight
           by the boys, and eight by the girls. Also, two new events were intro
           duced, the Senior mile, which was won by Ralph Railings of Wentworth
           House, and the Senior boys’ 880 yards relay, which was won by the
           Griffith team.
               Of the eight records set in the girls’ events, seven were established
           in the ball game events. The seven were made up of four Lilley teams,
           two Wentworth teams and one Griffith team. The remaining record was
           broken in the Minor 60 yards flat race by Lorraine Hillier of Wentworth.
           Larraine also won the 75 yards Minor flat race, but not in record time.
               In the boys’ races, both the Junior and Senior 440 yards records
           were broken, the Senior by Peter Monks of Griffith, and the Junior by
           P. Locke of Lilley. The new times are 62.6 secs, in the Junior and 55.8
           secs, in the Senior.
               M. Kelley of Wentworth House won the Minor 100 yards in record
           time. His time of 11.8 was one second inside the previous record. No
           records were broken in the High Jump event but in both the Senior and
           Junior Shot Putt, new records were set. The Senior record is now 39ft.
           5in., made by A. Klaikalietis of Lilley, and the Junior is 35ft. 7in. made
           by R. Love, of Wentworth.
               Altogether, the day proved very successful and enjoyable. When
           the final points were announced, Wentworth had won with 320J points,
           then came Lilley with 313 points and Griffith came third with a total of
           258 i points.
               The Senior champions were Peter Monks and Jill Patterson, the
           Juniors were Peter Jocumsen and Marjorie Lee, and the Minors. M.
           Kelley and Trevor Mischlewski tied for the boys and Lorraine Hillier
           was the Minor girl champion.
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