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Page 28                          Wynnum High and Intel-mediate School
                                SOCCER. 1956
              Not a spectacular year. A few early defeats spoiled any chances of
           a winning year, but did lead to an enjoyable season.
              Since no premiership was at stake it was possible to change the
           team weekly. While this did not mould a strong team it did mean that
           approximately forty boys played for the team during the season. Some
           of these who will be available next year should be valuable members of,
           the team.
              During the year, Noel Caesar represented Brisbane both in Brisbane
           and in Bundaberg, while Barry Howard represented Brisbane at
           Brisbane. Others whose lack of age or stature was against them this
           year should have splendid opportunities for representation in 1957,
           when a Queensland team should visit Sydney.
              As in the past, thanks to those who have played their last year of
           soccer for the Intermediate and next year you may not be able to defeat
           your successors.

                         Freehand drawing. Marion Mattinson, 3C2.
   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97