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Wynnum High and Intermediate School                   Page 49

                                   FORM 2A
                           In Maths and English we excell,
                           Even though we cannot spell.
                           We get our Social Studies right,
                           But otherwise we’re/not too bright.
               We’re a happy band of forty-three(industrious?) Students working
           happily under our teacher, Mr. Phillips. We really have a good time
           even though our arms get stiff from writing out corrections.
               Our Form captains are Margaret Edwards and David Heaton, while
           our twice-top student is Ian Hastings. Tony Grant is our budding
           aeronautical engineer, but his ardour was rather dampened when he was
           told to draw fifty planes after school. Peter Grainger is the “big noise”
           in the army cadet unit and Noel Edser and Rendall Brown are training
           on the side drums.
               Beryl Gillespie and Stephenie Smart have brought our class into
           the artistic world by learning ballet.
               We also hold our own in the field of sport. Our girl runners are
           Lorraine Luff and Nola Butler, while Ray Chaston is our high-jumper.
           Pam Clarke is champion minor swimmer. In football teams we have
           Barry Cook, Errol Dipple, And Len Starika.
               We are all “heads down” for a successful year-ending and we would
           also like to give our sympathies to all fellow examinees and hope that
           when we get our scholarship results we will be able to say—“Hooray
           for Today”.
                                  Teacher : Mr. Phillips.
                        Form Captains : Margaret Edwards, David Heaton.

                                   FORM 2B
               Hello, everybody. This is Form 2B calling, from room 13. We’re
           a very hard-working class really, though our teacher, Mr. Lee, does not
           always have the same opinion (especially after hearing the homework).
           However, with scholarship in a couple of months we have to be working
           most of the time.
               Bill Clark and Dorothy Ingram are the Form captains of our class
           of 42, and, although we’ve some who are not very smart, we’ve Robyn
           Shepherd who excels in essay writing. Ken McKelvie was chosen in the
           Queensland Rugby League team and Ken Gallimore captained the 5 stone
           71bs. Rugby League in our own school.
               This is Form 2B signing off now, and wishing good luck and success
           in the coming examinations, to all.

                                   FORM 2C
                      Form 2C. we all agree,
                      Is just the thing for you and me,
                      We never shirk, we never play,
                      We’ll make the whole school proud of us some day.
           Teacher : Mr. I. Macoll.
           Form Captains : Maree Brown, Ted Pairy.
           Top Girl: Maree Brown.
           Top Boy : Richard Wood.
           Girl Athletes : Heather Keating. Pamela Burnett.
           Cricketers : Bill Gaut, Robert Wyeth, James Roulston, Richard Wood,
                  Vincent Kemp.
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