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Wynnum High and Intermediate School                   Page 11

                        Wynnum State High School

                              SCHOOL DIARY

          January 31 : "Better this Present than a Past like that;
                  Back therefore to my darkening path again."
                                                           —R. Browning.
                  Weary of holidays, we return for another school year.
                  There are a few changes in the teaching staff.
          Departures: Mr. N. Prouteen, Miss Bradley, Mrs. Sondergeld,
                  Mr. P. Whear, Miss Knipe.
          Arrivals: Mr. J. Lendrum, Miss Baldwin, Mrs. Bradley, Mr. M.
                  Rich, Miss L. Murphy, Mr. P. Dawson, Miss Lilley, Mrs.
                  Adams, Miss Hais.

          February 6 : We welcomed back our ministers who conducted
                  our usual Term Service.
          February 8 : Election of House Captains by the High School.
          February 16 : "But the voice of a schoolboy rallies the ranks."
                                                      —Sir H. Newbolt.
                  The first parade of the Wynnum High School Cadet Unit.
          February 28 : Our Swimming Carnival was held in fine weather
                  at the Manly Baths.
          February 29 : "A bumping pitch and a blinding light."
                                                      —Sir H. Newbolt.
                  Cricket fixtures started.
          March 9 : Reign of terror begins—School Prefects announced.
                  Also, painting of the school begins, and new library
                  books purchased for the High School.
          March 17 : "Pure stream, in whose transparent wave, my youth
                  ful limbs I won't to lave." The girls' G.P.S. swimming
                  carnival at the Valley Baths.
          March 23 : "The torrent roar'd, and we did buffet it, with lusty
                  sinews, throwing it aside."
                                                      from "Julius Caesar.”
                  We took part in the Q.S.S.S.S.A. Swimming Carnival.
          March 26 : "Help me, Cassius, ere I sink."
                                                      more "Julius Caesar."
                  The girls’ life saving team achieved third place in the
                  McWhirter Cup competition.
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