Page 45 - EH65
P. 45
I’m reminded of a phenomenon
Dr. Iwamura writes about: “Asian
religions without Asians.”
Circling back to the original
question: perhaps the most concise
answer is “both, and…”
Many Buddhist organizations
in Asia attract only older
members rather than millennials
or younger adults. In your
experience writing the book Be
Your Refuge, what attracts young Wanwan Lu’s documentary Youth Group, about a Buddhist youth group in Southern California
Buddhists to Buddhism? (the trailer is available at
Seeing other young people engaged I see this happening in other Asian her cultural and religious heritages
with Buddhism! Opportunities to American Buddhist communities as with her passion for environmental
spend time with peers, whether at well. Wat Khmer Kampuchea Krom justice and indigenous rights. We can
regular groups or summer camps in San Jose, California has a vibrant ask what attracts young people to
or special retreats. Accessibility group of “second-gen” American Buddhism, and we can also ask: how
to Buddhist monastics/ministers/ Buddhists (their parents being the are young people already drawing
lay teachers who can help us first generation to immigrate to on Buddhism to make meaning and
apply the Dharma to everyday life. the US and raise them Buddhist in create change in the world?
Ways to give back to the Buddhist this country). This group of young
community through service and adults gathers on a regular basis What concerns do these Asian
leadership. For all of the above to learn the Khmer language and Buddhists have about integrating
in film form, I highly recommend deepen their understanding of Buddhism in their daily life,
Wanwan Lu’s documentary Youth Buddhism. The Khmer Krom are the especially as young adults
Group, about a Buddhist youth primary indigenous group of the with a career, family, and other
group in Southern California (the Mekong Delta region, an area now household responsibilities?
trailer is available at https://vimeo. governed by Vietnam but home to
com/225493071). Khmer (or Cambodian) speakers Finding the time to integrate
for at least 1,500 years, if not longer. Buddhism when juggling so many
Whenever I spend time at Jodo Significant numbers of Khmer Krom other demands is often a challenge,
Shinshu Buddhist temples in have settled in the US, particularly though I suspect this is true for all
America, I’m impressed by the warm after the end of the war in 1975. young adults who want to carve
intergenerational connections that At a Buddha statue consecration out time for religious practice
have been forged by a community ceremony at Wat Khmer Kampuchea and community. As members
whose roots in this country date Krom earlier this year, I marveled of a minority religion, it can be
back well over a century. Young at how the temple sparkled—the even more difficult for young
people have spaces where they can youth had repainted the walls and Buddhists to find sanghas where
build lifelong friendships with their cleaned every corner of the main they feel a sense of belonging. If
peers. They can turn to their elders hall. Sharing a dinner of vegan curry one lives in a more remote area,
for support and inspiration. They with one of the group members, the nearest Buddhist temple might
can mentor younger members of the Priscilla Kim Ong, I was inspired by be several hours’ drive away. For
community. the creative ways she was weaving Asian Americans who were raised