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           Buddhist, a lack of fluency in    question. The younger generation   ways that respect others who hold
           various Asian languages can be an   of American Buddhists moves us   very different beliefs than I do.
           obstacle to comprehending their   beyond a “two Buddhisms” binary   As someone trained in interfaith
           parents’ and grandparents’ faith.   of Asian immigrant / white convert.   chaplaincy (spiritual care), I find
           Those of us who weren’t raised    Gen Z and millennials includes    that deep listening and healthy
           Buddhist may wish we had family   Asian convert Buddhists, white    boundaries serve me well in these
           members to guide us in setting up   Buddhists whose parents and/    encounters.
           a home altar or maintaining a daily   or grandparents raised them in
           chanting practice. Young adults who   the faith, as well as Black, Latinx,   What is the biggest takeaway
           are becoming parents themselves   Native American, and mixed-       from your book Be the Refuge
           wonder how to incorporate         race practitioners. To lift just one   following your interviews with so
           Buddhism into their children’s lives.   example: Bhante Sanathavihari is   many Asian Buddhists?
                                             a 35-year-old Mexican American
           While monasticism has always      Theravada monk who lives at a     I’ve had the honor of talking about
           played a key role in Buddhism,    Sri Lanka Buddhist temple in Los   Be the Refuge at over fifty virtual
           how do you see its future in      Angeles, California. He delivered   book events at temples, meditation
           the West today, especially its    a Dharma message in Spanish for   centers, universities, high schools,
           relevance among the younger       the May 4, 2021, “May We Gather”   bookstores, and other communities.
           generation of Americans, both     national Buddhist memorial for    Many people have shared their
           Asian Buddhists and white         Asian American ancestors (www.    experiences of reading the book;
           convert Buddhists?                       since each person comes from
                                                                               different circumstances, each grasps
           This is a complex, multistranded   Christian evangelists frequently   different takeaways. What I learned
           question. Monasticism was not a   targeted Buddhists at campuses    in the writing of the book may not
           primary focus of Be the Refuge, so   in many Asian cities, and you   be what most sparks your interest. I
           I’m not well qualified to speculate   mentioned in Be the Refuge that it   do hope Be the Refuge can inspire us
           on the future of monasticism in the   is no different in the US. How do   to continue grappling with issues of
           West. I would love to read a book   Buddhist groups respond to this   race, culture, power, representation,
           that centers the voices of Asian   overt evangelization?            and privilege in our Buddhist
           American Buddhist monastics.                                        communities. I hope it helps us
           As writer An Tran remind us in a   Be the Refuge focuses on individuals   appreciate the vast diversity of
           recent talk (https://www.making-  rather than Buddhist groups, so   Asian American Buddhists, which
 , monastics   I can’t speak for how different   like any identity group is not a
           are a powerful field of merit in   sanghas respond to evangelization.   monolithic entity. There are many
           the Buddhist tradition. Much has   I would say that relationships   ways to be Buddhist. I hope Be the
           been said about the laicization   between Asian (American)          Refuge will connect those of us who
           of Buddhism as the religion puts   Buddhists and Asian (American)   want to see culturally engaged,
           down roots in the West, but I hope   Christians are multifaceted—Brian,   intersectional forms of Buddhism
           we don’t neglect the importance   Dolma, and a number of other      manifest in the world. I hope the
           of monasticism. Just because it’s   people in Be the Refuge highlight   book helps create communities
           not a trending topic doesn’t mean   some of these complexities.     where sincerely asking questions
           it isn’t playing a vital role in the   Personally, I find the Buddhist   together—perhaps even more than
           transmission of the Dharma in     tradition offers guidance and     finding all the answers—lessens our
           Western countries.                grounding for meeting moments     isolation and deepens our bond of
                                             of evangelization—moments that    spiritual friendship.  EH
           A quick note on the last part of this   can be quite charged—in skillful
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