Page 137 - hakka
P. 137
Mugwort Soup with Poached Eggs
■ 主料 ■ Main Ingredients
艾叶 300克 300 grams mugwort leaves
鸡蛋 5个 5 eggs
■ 调料 ■ Seasonings
食盐 1茶匙 1 teaspoon salt
胡椒粉 1茶匙 1 teaspoon ground pepper
猪油 2汤茶匙 2 tablespoons lard
二汤 500克 500 grams light broth
■ 制作流程 ■ Method
1. 将艾叶清洗干净,沥干备用。 1. Clean the mugwort leaves thoroughly, drain and set
2. 将锅烧热放入猪油加热,将鸡蛋煎成荷包蛋,盛 aside.
出备用。 2. Heat the wok and add lard t heat, fry the eggs into
3. 将二汤倒入锅中,加入食盐和胡椒粉调味,煮 poached eggs. Set aside.
沸。 3. Pour the light broth into a pot, season with salt and
4. 将煎好的荷包蛋放入汤中,再放入艾叶,煮至艾 ground pepper, bring to a boil.
叶软化即可。 4. Add the fried eggs to the boiling broth, followed
by the mugwort leaves. Simmer until the mugwort
■ 风味特色 leaves are soften, and serve.
■ Flavour Characteristics
Sweet and fragrant, rich in Hakka flavour.