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P. 37


            Stuffed Eggs

            ■ 主料                                               ■ Main Ingredients
            鸡蛋                   10只                           10 eggs
            瘦肉                 300克                            300 grams lean meat

            ■ 辅料                                               ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
            香菇粒                  20克                           20 grams diced mushrooms
            干鱿鱼粒                 20克                           20 grams diced dried squid
            芹菜梗                  50克                           50 grams celery stalks

            ■ 调料                                               ■ Seasonings
            食盐                  2茶匙                            2 teaspoons salt
            味精                  1茶匙                            1 teaspoon MSG
            生粉                  2茶匙                            2 teaspoons cornstarch
            胡椒粉                 1茶匙                            1 teaspoon ground pepper
            二汤                1000克                            1000 grams light broth

            ■ 制作流程                                             ■ Method
            1.  将鸡蛋打入碗中,搅拌搅拌备用。将瘦肉剁碎,                          1.  Beat the eggs into a bowl and set aside. Mince the
                加入香菇和鱿鱼干,然后加入盐、味精、生粉和                             lean meat and mix it with the diced mushrooms and
                胡椒粉调味,用手反复摔打制成馅料。                                 dried squid. Add salt, MSG, cornstarch and ground
            2.  将锅烧热后加入适量的油加热,用勺子舀一小勺                             pepper to season, mix thoroughly, then knead and
                鸡蛋倒入油锅,摊平形成蛋皮。待蛋皮定形后,                             repeatedly slap the mixture to form a cohesive filling.
                在中间放入适量馅料,折成半月形。将酿好的蛋                          2.  Heat the wok and add appropriate amount of oil to
                两面煎至金黄色,取出备用。                                     heat. Using a spoon, scoup a small amount of beaten
            3.  将二汤倒入锅中,煮沸后,放入芹菜梗,再加入                             egg into the wok and spread it out to form an egg
                盐和胡椒粉调味,即可出锅。                                     skin. Once the egg sets, place a portion of the filling
                                                                  in the center and fold the egg skin into a half-moon
            ■ 风味特色                                                shape.  Fry  until  both  sides  of  the  stuffed  egg  are
            鲜香味美,爽口滑嫩。                                            golden brown, then set aside.
                                                               3.  Add the light broth to a pot and bring the broth to
                                                                  a boil. Add celery stalks, along with salt and ground
                                                                  pepper to season. Place the fried stuffed egg into the
                                                                  pot, simmer briefly, and serve immediately.

                                                               ■ Flavour Characteristics
                                                               Fresh, fragrant and delicious, smooth and tender texture.

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