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           What are the groups that you      In secular Australia, Buddhism is   The first time I saw someone go
           serve as a Buddhist chaplain, and   quite popular and there are many   from suicidal to enjoying life in the
           do some groups require more       people who are curious about the   Dharma. This encouraged me and
           support than others?              Dharma. When people hear the      reinforced my trust that the power
                                             name chaplain they often think of   of the Dharma is so transformative.
           As a Buddhist chaplain, my work   Christianity. Buddhist chaplaincy
           is to meet people where they      is still quite new in Australia. But   Any advice for someone who has
           are in their lives, regardless of   fortunately, we have infrastructure   plans to be a Buddhist chaplain?
           whether they are even Buddhist    within the Buddhist community
           or not. In this work, if we expect   and government level that      Take the training seriously and after
           people to make it easy for us we   facilitates this work.           you’ve qualified connect with a
           will suffer. Instead, I have to meet                                sangha member or a senior dharma
           a range of people one-on-one and   What do your regard as the core   friend for continued learning and
           in groups. Some of their interests   skills needed to be an effective   support. This is not just for the
           might be casual and their stress   Buddhist chaplain?               important aspect of making sure
           comparatively small. Some come                                      that we deliver the Dharma correctly
           with a background of intense      Deep listening and empathy are the   but also for our own spiritual
           trauma with a desperate yearning   main criteria. In the tradition that   development. If we are grounded
           for the Dharma. Some are very     I have learnt the Dharma in, this is   in that way, work in chaplaincy
           literate and some barely speak    referred to expressly as Bodhichitta   will actually be beneficial for one’s
           English. Being a chaplain is not   which is developed on the basis   growth in the Dharma.
           being a Guru; instead, we have to   of universal loving-kindness and
           employ skillful means to provide   compassion.                      Dan Troyak was featured in Tricycle
           Dharma support to all kinds of                                      ( magazine on
           interest and need.                In your many years as a Buddhist   August 25, 2022 by Pamela Gayle
                                             chaplain, can you share with us a   White, a Dharma teacher, and a staff
           What are the constraints in       situation that gave you the most   chaplain at a hospital in central
           delivering Buddhist chaplaincy    joy?                              Virginia, USA.  EH
           services in a non-Buddhist
           country like Australia?
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