Page 34 - EH70
P. 34
Zhi Yi: Can you please share with inspired by the Buddhist art on the and China. For instance, I attended
us your experience of learning Silk Roads, especially the Dunhuang a workshop conducted by Ven. Dao
the Dharma? Grottoes Art (敦煌石窟). My father Shun (道顺法师) from Taiwan, and
was a photographer, and he was since then I have been visiting her
Foong Ming: The whole process of enthusiastic about art. Since young, annually when she came to Malaysia
learning the Dharma happened very I would always go with him as he to learn elaborate-style painting
naturally. My work typically revolves visited his artist friends. As he was of the Buddhas until COVID-19
around different types of art, from learning to make oil paintings, I pandemic hit.
interior design to painting. As the would then play at his side and mix
conditions come together, I started the colours randomly. He made me I have engaged in art related work
to work on Buddhist art. I realised learn to draw and paint with him so for more than 30 years, and my
I needed to learn what the Buddha that I would sit quietly. I think this favourite has always been the
taught in order to achieve a deeper has had a significant impact on me. Dunhuang Grottoes Art. Despite the
level, and use the Dharma as the I just fell in love with art and have lack of information, I am determined
foundation of my work. I have always never stopped learning since. to continue learning. I turned to Mr
been attracted by the majestic Guo You Meng (郭祐孟老師), who is
appearances of the Buddhas and While I was 4 years old, I started an expert in grottoes art, and became
Bodhisattvas. It gives me immense learning to paint from the late Mr. his student. I wish to promote
joy by just looking at them, so I Chia Yu Chian (谢玉谦老师), who Dunhuang Grottoes Art in Malaysia
started learning to paint Buddhas was the first Malaysian artist to for the rest of my life. Therefore, I
and Bodhisattvas, and somehow receive the French Government decided to invest all my effort into
everything just falls into places. National Art Scholarship to Paris. art creation. I hope to retain the
I am also a student of Mr Chung beauty using different painting
Zhi Yi: What inspires you to enter Chen Sun (钟正山老師), who is styles, so that people feel joyful and
the door of Buddhist Art? the father of contemporary ink peaceful seeing my artwork.
painting in Malaysia. I have also
Foong Ming: I must say that I am learnt calligraphy, ceramic designs, Zhi Yi: What inspires you to
not an academic studying Buddhist elaborate-style painting from propagate the Dharma by using
art. I am a Dharma practitioner several teachers in Malaysia, Taiwan Buddhist Art?
Foong Ming was at Binglingsi Grottoes (炳 Buddha statue excavated from Longxing Foong Ming attended the ‘Everlasting
灵寺) appreciating the vast collection of Temple (龙兴寺) being exhibited at Qingzhou Beauty of Dunhuang’ exhibition in Shenzhen.
artworks made on the cliffs and in Grottoes. Museum (青州市博物馆)