Page 35 - EH70
P. 35
Foong Ming: Art is a way of
expressing our emotions and
thoughts. Art can stimulate
our creativity and imagination.
By appreciating artwork and
participating in art creation, our
brain can be developed, which in
turns helps to generate new ideas
and modes of thinking. Art can
also benefit our mental health, for
instance by reducing stress, anxiety
and depression.
Art plays an important role in
The giant Diamond Sutra that was inscribed in Sutra Stone Valley (泰山金石峪) halfway up the
our lives. It not only enriches southern slope of Mount Tai (泰山), probably during the Northern Qi dynasty (550–577).
our cultural life, but also helps
us to grow, develop and improve
our quality of life. I aspire to brings joy to people and nourishes fields, they can influence and
use painting of the Buddhas and life. It is beyond words and directly inspire each other. In Buddhism,
Bodhisattvas as a medium to invoke reflects the state of mind. we learn about the truth of life and
the Buddha nature in all of us and the universe. These understandings
spread the seeds of compassion. I Buddhist painting is a common form can be demonstrated in our
also hope to bring positive energy, of Buddhist art that helps people in artwork. Buddhism emphasises
stillness, tranquility and peace to understanding Buddhist teachings. the cultivation of tranquility and
our society through my artworks. To draw a Buddha statue, you would concentration. In artistic creation,
need basic drawing skills and an these qualities enhance our ability
Zhi Yi: How has Art improved understanding of the proportions, to feel the theme and emotions of
your Dharma practice, and vice expressions, and handprints of the the work, and therefore we can
versa, how has Dharma practice Buddha statue. In fact, it is not just express them better. On the other
contributed to your achievement about painting, but connecting with hand, the aesthetic appreciation
in Art? the minds of the Bodhisattvas, so and concept of artistic creation
that we can develop our patience can also be reflected and applied
Art is my Dharma practice. Different and concentration, in turn becoming in Buddhism. For instance, the
types of art give rise to different closer to our buddha nature. teaching of impermanence and
forms of practice. Art helps us to When our minds resonate with the emptiness can be integrated into
cultivate our sense of aesthetics, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, every artworks, making them more
making us more sensitive towards stroke we make is expressing the philosophical and profound.
and appreciative of beautiful beauty of wisdom and compassion.
things, thereby enriching our With a peaceful mind, each line and In conclusion, Buddhist art requires
life experiences. After engaging stroke are flowing smoothly and a lot of time and effort. We need to
in Buddhist painting for a long harmoniously with our breathing. practise diligently, persevere in art
time, I have gradually been able to creation and constantly improve our
produce pieces that are tranquil and Although Buddhism and artistic skills. EH
harmonious. This type of beauty creation are seemingly two different