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Chapter Two
The Occult
I WAS SIXTEEN when we moved again. This time into a
former model home. I had made decent grades at my former
school, and I was hoping I'd make good grades at my new
one. Everyone was friendly, especially those in my drama
class. I met two girls who were also new. The three of us
became close friends. I loved reading, music, fashion, and
hanging out with my girlfriends. I was a virgin and told every
boy that I “went with” that I was waiting for marriage before
having sex. I played tennis in junior high and lettered in high
school. I was number three on the varsity team. I could never
beat two of the other girls.
During those years, my great-grandmother had
passed away. My parents had moved some of her old books
into what we had called the game room, which was a garage
that had been converted into a nice, air-conditioned,
carpeted room. One book was on casting spells and another
on interpreting dreams. We assumed the books were
purchased in bulk at a garage sale.
I had always loved to read, especially Nancy Drew and
The Hardy Boys. I also enjoyed reading a college psychology