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book that I picked up from someone. I was fascinated with
the human brain and how it worked, so I was curious about
the book on casting spells. When I first opened it, I saw a
repulsive goat image, but I kept reading. I couldn’t imagine
someone wanting something so badly that they would dig up
a grave and/or put things in their mouth that were grown out
of a dead body. I used the book for a school book report
because I thought it was strange, but I had zero interest in
spells. I also never liked participating in playing slumber
party middle school “games” like Bloody Mary or trying to
make others levitate by chanting phrases.
After reading the spell book, weird things began
happening in our house and in our cars. Random items
would disappear and then reappear. My mother felt someone
tap her on the back of her shoulder in the car. I had felt
someone touch me on the back of my shoulder in the kitchen.
Also, my mom went to take a nap one afternoon and
physically felt something pushing her through the mattress.
She said it looked like a monster, but she wasn’t sure if she
had only dreamed about it. On another night, my friend
Janice was with me when my skirt disappeared. Because we
were going out that night, we cleaned my room looking for it.
We picked everything up before we went downstairs to eat.
After dinner, we ran upstairs to my room to see the skirt
spread out on the carpet. On another day, Janice asked me to
pick up one of her friends Tara to take her home. Later Tara
told Janice that she sensed an entity riding in the car with us